latest news after the coup attempt

Lula returned to the Planalto Palace: what he said after the coup attempt

The president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, returned to Planalto Palace after the incidents of the coup attempt of bolsoanristas. On social networks, the president wrote a message in which he reported that he was working in the government palace, in the midst of recovering the space as a consequence of the acts of vandalism last Sunday.

Through Twitter, Lula greeted his followers and showed his return to Planalto Palacein Brasilia, one of the places that was the object of attacks by Bolsonaro protesters, next to Congress and the Palace of the Federal Supreme Court.

“Good day. Working in the Planalto Palace”, President Lula wrote this Tuesday from his official Twitter account. Meanwhile, in the United States, former president Jair Bolsonaro was discharged after being admitted to a health center in Orlando, shortly after the first extradition request made by a PT (government party) deputy was made public.

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