Latest house 2 news for today October 13, 2022

Latest news and rumors house 2 for today October 13, 2022:

  1. Not only Ekaterina Gorina got a gentleman among the updated composition of House 2, but also Claudia Bezverkhova. And someone has already shown sympathy for grandmother Natasha, according to rumors from the project staff from the perimeter.
  2. It turned out that the twin brothers Artem and Evgeny had previously participated in the show “Dancing” on the TNT channel. Will they be able to build a television career on Channel Yu, or are they going to start families in the clearing?
  3. Vlad Dubrovsky still refuses to build relationships in the perimeter. Either waiting until Maria Saylova leaves Tigran Salibekov, or waiting for the appearance of Andrei Cherkasov, whose family returned to the capital.
  4. Irina Pinchuk returns to the capital, promising to return to Dubai soon to her husband Aray Chobanyan. Will the whole family gather once more to spend the winter in warm regions?
  5. Instead of Christina Bukhynbalte in the glade, the psychologist works with Artem Grant, the “analysis” of this participant will be on the air in 6 days.
  6. Gleb Zhemchugov and his wife Anastasia Roinashvili are preparing for the wedding on October 30, which they never tire of reminding regarding on social networks.
  7. Alena Openchenko reports that now everything is fine with her in relations with Mikhail Kozlov, with whom they settled all misunderstandings. Alena’s grandmother also changed her mind?
  8. Christina Bukhynbalte changed her image, having not decided whether she should give birth on the project from Barzikov or not. So far, she is inclined to abandon this idea before Vanya’s divorce in November and a joint trip to Italy.
  9. Latest house 2 news from for today 10/13/2022 – Alina Jordan returned to the clearing, although Ivan Sintsov claimed the other day that she has a boyfriend with whom she lives.



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