Latest Earthquakes in Mexico Today, November 18: National Seismological Service Report

2023-11-18 20:19:36

Follow the official report of the National Seismological Service (SSN) on the latest earthquakes in Mexico today, November 18, with the time, place of the epicenter and degree of magnitude.

Mexico is located near five main tectonic plates: the Cocos, North American, Pacific, Rivera and Caribbean plates. These constantly interact with each other, causing friction and tension that eventually build up and release in the form of tremors. Along those lines, I share details about the place, time and epicenter of the telluric movements and the news about tremors in Mexico today, Saturday, November 18, from the official report of the National Seismological Service (SSN).

Tremor in Mexico today, November 18

The National Seismological Service (SSN) is a crucial organization responsible for monitoring, studying and providing information on seismic activity in the country. It plays a vital role in ensuring public safety and preparedness for seismic events.

Below is the list of today’s earthquakes:

If you want to know a little more about the National Seismological Service, below I have posted a video from the UNAM where it explains what this organization is and what its function is. I hope this clarifies your doubts:


#SSN #earthquake #recorded #Mexico #today #November #time #place #magnitude #MIX

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