Latest developments in the Russian military operation in Ukraine /04/03/2024/

Ukraine – The Russian military operation continues in Ukraine, as the Russian army thwarts attempts by Kiev forces to launch counterattacks, and advances on various axes, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy in equipment and lives.

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  • The Guardian: Kiev intelligence is planning to attack the Crimean Bridge again
  • Russian Commissioner for Child Rights: The “Crocus” attack led to the death of 7 children and the injury of 5 others, 2 of whom are in serious condition.
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  • Russian Defense: The “Krokos” terrorist attack prompted many Russians to volunteer for the army
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  • Russian Defense announces its contract with more than 100,000 volunteers since the beginning of the year
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Source: RT

#Latest #developments #Russian #military #operation #Ukraine
2024-04-04 06:21:36

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