Lateral thinking of withered technology | fumufumu news

 “Horizontal Thinking of Withered Technology” is the original game development philosophy of Gunpei Yokoi, a creator who used to work for Nintendo Co., Ltd.

Mr. YokoiHe was the first creator to advocate the “cross key” that has now become a standard for game consoles, and along with Shigeru Miyamoto of the current Nintendo Co., Ltd., is also known as a key player in growing the company into a global giant. increase

In 1997, Mr. Yokoi ended his too short life.“Father of mobile games” as the creator of the “Game Boy Series” of mobile game consolesAlso called, he was a creator who continued to run at the forefront of the game industry.

introduced at the beginning“Dead technology” means “technology that is already commonplace and widely spread”, and “horizontal thinking” means “a way of thinking that looks at things widely and from multiple angles”.

 If we rely only on new technology and information and think vertically, which is a measure of high/low technology, there will be limits to the growth of services and information born from that., the cost will be enormous. If,Mr. Yokoi advocated that by combining existing know-how and technology with other ideas and products, it is possible to create groundbreaking products that have never existed before.

Looking at the situation in the world,I often think regarding what will make readers think “Hmmmm”, but it’s not easy.. I strongly feel that Mr. Yokoi’s advocated “horizontal thinking of withered technology” must be emulated for me as an editor.

It may not be possible to create convincing articles simply by being drawn to novel topics or name values. but,Take a slanted look at the current situation and what you don’t usually care regarding. Sometimes starting from the right, sometimes turning inside out, I dare to leave it alone and dig it up once more.I hope that this continuous process of trial and error can become the foundation for articles that everyone finds interesting.I suddenly think, it was the fall of 32 years old. (West)



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