László Lukács: Bence Sehallselát Rétvári’s Stance on Mandatory Screening Tests Mirrors Dömötör’s Approach


Opposition Critiques Legal ​Restrictions on⁤ Mandatory Screening Tests

In a recent parliamentary discussion, Bence Rétvári, the Parliamentary State Secretary‍ of​ the Ministry of the Interior, remained notably silent regarding mandatory screening tests‍ and‍ their ⁢associated legal restrictions. This silence was humorously noted ⁤by László Lukács, the‌ leader of the Jobbik faction, ​who pointed out ​the stark⁢ contrast between ⁢Rétvári’s usual verbosity and his ‌current reticence.

⁤ ⁣ ⁣ “He ‍seems to like Sehallselá in the role of Dömötör and avoids the questions,” the​ opposition⁣ representative quipped.
‌ ​

Lukács further emphasized that the ‌Jobbik party is not easily swayed by vague answers​ or parliamentary maneuvering. They maintain⁢ a firm stance against the imposition of mandatory screening ⁤tests.

According‍ to Lukács, ambiguous discussions and side conversations ⁤do⁣ little to obscure the​ realities of the situation. ​He highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in governmental responses to public concerns.

Cover Photo: Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary ​State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior; Máté Gerhardt, moderator; and György⁤ László Lukács, leader of the Jobbik faction,⁣ during the podium discussion titled “The Force be with you! – Debate on Human Resources Policy” at the ​Tranzit festival⁢ in Tihany⁢ on⁢ August 26, 2023. (Photo by MTI/Botnár Boglárka)

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