Lasse Kronér’s harsh criticism of Ulf Kristersson | Pleasure

Lasse Kronér.


Lasse Kronér now has his own sing-along at Tjolöholm Castle.


Lasse Kronér and Tommy Nilsson during “Lasse på Slottet”.


Moderate leader Ulf Kristersson and Holocaust survivor Hédi Fried, 2018.


Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

The artist and TV profile Lasse Kronér has been interviewed by Today’s ETC. In the interview, which first had the title “Lasse Kronér: ‘Ulf Kristersson deserves to end up in hell'”, Kronér is very critical of Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

– To repeatedly promise Hédi Fried that you will not cooperate with the Sweden Democrats and then break that promise, then you deserve to end up in hell, he says in the interview.

When Expressen talks to Kronér, who is current with “Lasse på slotet”, he first distances himself from the headline, before elaborating:

– I think I said that I don’t think you lie to the eyes of a 90-year-old woman who has been in Auschwitz, and say that you shouldn’t cooperate with the Sweden Democrats – and then do it. Then I think you deserve to end up in hell.

Lasse Kronér continues:

– Now we started talking regarding this with the government, and I think it’s a scandal, and then I have to say it.

In 2018, the then opposition leader Ulf Kristersson met Hédi Fried. After the meeting, the Holocaust survivor said that he had warned them that they would never cooperate with SD. A promise that only applied to the former alliance parties M, KD, L and C, something that Fried later confirmed.


It was before the 2018 election that Ulf Kristersson visited Hedi Fried for a conversation in her apartment. She told followingwards how the conversation had gone.

– He stated that he will never, ever agree to any collusion with SD. He sounded very convincing. We parted amicably.

In a post on Facebook the following year, when the M leader started talking to SD and Jimmie Åkesson, he wrote:

“That the four alliance parties jointly sought a mandate to form a government, and that the alliance government would not cooperate with SD. However, I did not promise never to talk to, or have any kind of association with SD and their party leader Jimmie Åkesson.”

The picture, that the promise only applied to the former alliance parties, was later confirmed by Hedi Fried.

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Lasse Kronér: “Got to say something”

Lasse Kronér believes that it is everyone’s duty and obligation to keep abreast of what is happening and what politicians are saying.

– All of us have the responsibility to be well-read on what I myself think, what I think is uninteresting, but that I think is important. So that we don’t end up in a populism, where someone can stand and wave a falu sausage and so on. Where lies become truth, it is so simple that it becomes today. That lie, or lies, they are so specific. There is a candidate for prime minister sitting and telling lies. I haven’t seen that before.

– Kristersson is perhaps the best party leader, the best prime minister Sweden has ever had. I don’t judge that, I judge the lies, he says.

Psychologist and Holocaust survivor Hédi Fried passed away in 2022, aged 98.


Kronér has previously refrained from commenting on politics and politicians.

– Someone has to say something. We cannot live in a society where everyone goes around lying and no one dares to take a stand anymore, or dare to say: This is how it is.

“I have never, ever signed that I may not have opinions”

Lasse Kronér claims to have a political residence, but does not want to reveal which way he leans.

– However, I have always talked regarding the need to protect the little person, our society, you have to pay taxes, those who have a lot must pay a lot. I like the foundations of democracy very well.

– I probably don’t focus on politics, I probably focus more on the social debate and the society we are heading towards, says Kronér.

He continues:

– Our society is heading in a direction that is not that interesting to me.



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