largest reserve of rare earths in Europe

This makes them “critical for the transition to a sustainable economy”, emphasizes Swedish energy minister Ebba Busch. The exact size of the mineral resources in Kiruna in northern Sweden is not yet clear, but according to LKAB it concerns at least one million tons of ore. This means that Sweden can meet a significant part of future European demand, says LKAB CEO Jan Moström.

Swedish energy minister Ebba Busch with Jan Mostrom, CEO of mining company LKAB.Image via REUTERS

The extraction of the rare minerals, so-called REEs, is in danger of being halted because it takes a long time to obtain a permit. LKAB thinks it will be ready within a few years, but according to Moström, a permit can easily take ten to fifteen years. The EU has also been insisting for some time on speeding up these procedures.

A mine in Kiruna, northern Sweden.  Image Getty Images

A mine in Kiruna, northern Sweden.Beeld Getty Images

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