Large regional differences in the view of wind turbines in one’s own backyard

Large regional differences in the view of wind turbines in one’s own backyard

In the survey, InFact asked a thousand people regarding their attitude to wind turbines in their own municipality. Place of residence significantly affects attitudes, writes the Nation.

In Northern Norway, 57 percent are once morest wind power development, while only 25 percent are in favor. In Central Norway, 30 percent are once morest, and 43 percent are positive.

Among men, 38.9 per cent are in favor of wind power in their municipality, while 42.5 per cent are once morest it. For women, the figures are respectively 27.6 per cent in favor and 43.1 per cent once morest. A significant proportion of both sexes are unsure.

Opposition is high in all age groups, between 41 and 43 per cent, but the oldest are somewhat more skeptical than the youngest.

But even if many are once morest wind turbines in their own municipality, a majority want more renewable energy in Norway: 77 per cent believe Norway needs more renewable energy, but only 33 per cent want wind turbines in their own municipality.

Political scientist Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg believes that the resistance in northern Norway can be linked to the electrification of Melkøya. Elsewhere in the country, he points to previously untidy processes and a lack of local benefits as reasons for the resistance.

– We have experience with weakly handled licensing processes and few values ​​for local municipalities. This has changed, but has led to strong opposition in Norway, as the surveys show, and that is understandable, says Inderberg.

#Large #regional #differences #view #wind #turbines #backyard
2024-07-11 06:32:42



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