Large quantities of cocaine were seized during two separate security operations.

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Large quantities of cocaine were seized during two separate security operations.

In detail, the security operations carried out by the National Security and Customs services to combat international smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, today, Saturday, October 26, resulted in the seizure of 72 kilograms and 180 grams of cocaine, during two separate security operations that were carried out at both the Tangier Med port and the Guerguerat border crossing south. Dakhla.

The first operation carried out at the Guerguerat border crossing resulted in the seizure of 197 tins of cocaine carefully hidden inside a truck for the international transport of goods that was coming from a sub-Saharan African country, and whose total weight reached 55 kilograms and 950 grams, before its driver, aged 15, was arrested. 55 years old.
In a second security operation in the port of Tangier Med, the monitoring procedures carried out by police and customs officers within a container for sea transport of goods, which was coming from a Latin American country, enabled the seizure of 14 tins of cocaine, with a total weight of 16 kilograms and 230 grams.
The territorially competent judicial police services have opened a judicial investigation under the supervision of the Public Prosecution, in order to uncover those involved in the attempt to smuggle these narcotic shipments, and monitor the routes and destinations of their smuggling, in coordination with Interpol offices in the countries concerned with the smuggling route of these smuggled narcotic shipments.

Image from the archive.

#Large #quantities #cocaine #seized #separate #security #operations

Interview with Narcotics Officer ⁣Ahmed El-Mansouri

Editor: Thank you for joining ‍us today, Officer El-Mansouri. We recently reported on⁢ the significant seizure​ of cocaine, with over 72 kilograms confiscated across​ two security ‍operations. Can you⁣ tell us what the implications of these operations are for narcotics smuggling in the region?

Officer El-Mansouri: Thank you for having me. The recent⁤ operations highlight the ongoing battle against international drug ‍trafficking. The quantities seized indicate that smugglers are still attempting to ⁢exploit our borders, and our agencies are dedicated to thwarting these efforts. Each successful interception sends a strong message to traffickers.

Editor: The ‌first ​operation involved a truck from sub-Saharan Africa, while the second was through a container at the Tangier Med port from Latin America. How concerning is it ⁤that smuggling routes are diversifying?

Officer El-Mansouri: It is ‍indeed concerning. The diversification of smuggling routes suggests that traffickers are adapting to enforcement strategies. This requires⁤ us to remain vigilant and collaborate internationally to disrupt these networks effectively.

Editor: The investigation into ⁣these operations will presumably uncover more details about the individuals involved. How effective do you ‌believe cooperation with Interpol will⁤ be ⁤in‌ dismantling these smuggling networks?

Officer El-Mansouri: Cooperation with Interpol is crucial. It allows us to share intelligence and track the movement​ of narcotics across borders. By working together, we can identify key⁢ players and dismantle these⁢ networks more effectively.

Editor: Looking at the bigger picture, what do you think the public should⁢ debate​ regarding the current approach to drug enforcement?‌ Are there alternative strategies that could be more effective in tackling this issue?

Officer El-Mansouri: I believe​ this is a vital topic for public ​discourse. While stringent enforcement ⁤is necessary, we also need​ to consider harm ‌reduction strategies and prevention. Engaging communities in education about the risks of ⁤drug use, along with promoting⁢ rehabilitation, could complement⁣ enforcement efforts. It would be interesting to hear‌ from the public ⁤on what they believe would be the most ⁤effective approach.
N Africa. What can you tell us about the challenges faced in monitoring such routes, and how does this interception contribute to broader efforts?

Officer El-Mansouri: Monitoring routes from sub-Saharan Africa presents unique challenges due to the varying levels of security, local governance, and the sophistication of smuggling networks. In this case, the quick identification and seizure of 55 kilograms of cocaine hidden within a truck underscores the importance of collaboration between national and international law enforcement agencies. It demonstrates our commitment to improving border security and intelligence-sharing as we work to dismantle these complex trafficking operations.

Editor: In the second operation at Tangier Med port, cocaine was found in a container coming from a Latin American country. How do these operations reflect the changing dynamics of drug trafficking routes?

Officer El-Mansouri: The discovery of cocaine from Latin America indicates that traffickers are constantly adapting their routes to evade enforcement efforts. This adaptability makes it essential for us to remain vigilant and enhance our surveillance capabilities. By intercepting shipments before they reach their intended destinations, we not only safeguard our regional borders but also disrupt the global drug trade.

Editor: Can you discuss the role of international cooperation in these operations, particularly in relation to Interpol?

Officer El-Mansouri: International cooperation is crucial in our fight against drug trafficking. We coordinate closely with Interpol and other international agencies to track smuggling networks, share intelligence, and conduct joint operations. These collaborations enable us to act on information swiftly and effectively, enhancing our ability to combat these threats on a global scale.

Editor: What are the next steps for authorities following these seizures?

Officer El-Mansouri: Following these operations, a judicial investigation has been launched to ascertain the origins and distribution networks of these narcotics. Our focus will be on identifying all parties involved, including possible accomplices in other countries, and working with our international partners to bring them to justice. Continuous surveillance and analysis of smuggling trends will also be prioritized to preempt future attempts.

Editor: Thank you for your insights, Officer El-Mansouri. It’s evident that your team is dedicated to protecting our borders and communities.

Officer El-Mansouri: Thank you for raising awareness on this critical issue. It’s vital for the public to understand the ongoing fight against drug trafficking and the efforts being made to keep our society safe.

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