Asuncion, IP Agency.- At the San Ignacio District Hospital, an ovarian cyst weighing almost two kilos was removed from a 19-year-old patient. She is currently in the recovery stage following the successful surgery.
The procedure, known as an oophorectomy, lasted 90 minutes and resulted in the successful removal of the cyst, which measured 20×17 cm.
The patient has made satisfactory progress since the surgery and is expected to be discharged once she can eat orally without complications. She was unable to specify how long this will take due to its slow-growing nature, which has been causing her nonspecific pain in the hypogastric area for 15 days.
In addition, compression of the cyst caused hydronephrosis and a significant increase in abdominal circumference. The CT and ultrasound images suggested a probable teratoma, but the results of the pathological anatomy study are awaited to confirm the exact origin of the tumor.
The patient’s tumor markers are within normal ranges, medical authorities stressed.
The surgical intervention was carried out by a medical team led by Nair Pont, Lilian Ortiz and Fabiola Medina, with the support of the instrumentalist José Coronel.
#Large #cyst #removed #young #patient #San #Ignacio #District #Hospital
2024-07-14 16:58:43