The tenth “Long Night of Research” (LNF22) is taking place this evening in large parts of the country, sometimes with large crowds. After having to switch to the online format in 2020 due to the coronavirus, the local scientific community was once more able to experience their work live up close – and in many places it was midsummer weather. The event presented itself as just as attractive until the evening.
With around 2,500 program items at 280 locations throughout the country, the tenth edition of the LNF is the largest event for science communication in the entire German-speaking area, the organizers said in advance.
At the event, which is sponsored or coordinated by the ministries of science, climate protection and economics as well as the federal states and the Council for Research and Technology Development (RFTE), scientists usually convey their work personally. By 11:00 p.m., one would like to bring research and development (R&D) further into the center of society.
Education Minister Martin Polaschek (ÖVP) recently described the LNF as a “concentrated presentation” of scientific achievements. However, in view of the pronounced scientific skepticism in Austria compared to other countries, “numerous measures” are required, which must also be designed for the longer term. A strategy for communicating science will therefore be developed that will also reach people who are not addressed by events such as the LNF.