Large animal spotted in wave after shark attack

Pernambuco: Man entered the sea minutes following shark attacks, refused to leave the water and firefighters were forced to enter to remove him by force. Video shows that shark was very close and everyone was at risk

About 10 minutes following 15-year-old Kaylane Timóteo was attacked by a shark, a man entered the sea at the same location as the tragedy and refused to leave the water.

Three lifeguards from the fire department were forced into the water to forcibly pull the man out. Images recorded by witnesses show that all of them were at risk of their lives.

Biologist André Maia analyzed the videos, which show a large animal moving inside a wave. “Given the movement in the water, there is a very high probability that it is a shark. It’s not a stone or anything else. If it were another fish, it would have to be quite big”, said the professor, who has been working with animals for 15 years.

The day before the attack that tore off Kaylane Timóteo’s arm, a 14-year-old teenager was bitten on the same beach in Piedade. He had to have his leg amputated. Both survived and are recovering from their injuries.

The episodes of the last few days make it clear that the lack of awareness and the irresponsibility of the population are determining factors for the attacks. “This man was a witness to a shark attack and yet, minutes later, he decided to enter the water in the same spot. What makes someone act that way?” asked a resident of Recife.

“The boy was attacked on Sunday, on Monday everyone was already in the water and the shark took the girl. Ten minutes later, the next victim might have been that man. People keep going in the water even knowing the risks”, reported a resident of Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE), who lives near Piedade beach.

For biologist André Maia, it is necessary to resume research on the coast of Pernambuco to monitor sharks. “It is possible to put sensors on the animals and know when they are approaching the shore,” he added.

The head of Preventive Actions at the Fire Department, Captain Werben Monteiro, advises people to respect the signs so as not to enter the sea. “If there are signs, you have to obey. If you have a lifeguard, you have to respect his guidelines. Safe beach has to have everyone’s participation. Of professionals and merchants, who need the customer and can contribute, in addition to the bather. It is better for you not to enter and return home than to take a risk, ”he says.


Why so many attacks on the coast of Pernambuco?

Researcher Mariana Azevedo, coordinator of the Fábio Hazin Research Center at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), stated that the attacks are related to a series of factors.

According to the specialist, the topography of the coast of Pernambuco, with a deep channel close to the coast and before the coral reefs, facilitates the passage of sharks when the tide rises.

“We have a deep channel that is close to the coast where we bathe and before the coral reefs. When the tide rises, this animal manages to pass and is trapped in a comfortable position to be going following food. Obviously, we know that everything is degraded, ”he said.

Still according to Mariana Azevedo, the economic characteristics of the population also influence the frequency of these attacks. “The beach trip, by sea, is the cheapest. It’s where everyone can go, the most democratic. So, encounters with the population will be more frequent if there are more people on the beach”, she said.

The researcher also explained that sharks are not attracted to human flesh, but are curious animals that like to explore the environment.

“Unfortunately, the food supply is very low and eventually he will investigate what he has to eat. It’s not because he likes us. People’s flesh isn’t even good for him. He doesn’t even like it, but ends up biting. He tastes it and, eventually, even ends up throwing it away, regurgitating it when he sees that it is not his eating habit. Then, it already did a lot of damage ”, he declared.

Mariana Azevedo also stated that these deep channels near the coast are generally places where sharks find food. However, due to the degradation of the environment, the supply of food is scarce. Still, they keep coming to the coast because of several factors.

“The explanations are very varied. There is no isolated fact that explains this outbreak of incidents here on our coast, but, without a doubt, the construction of port complexes and sewage. We also had the slaughterhouse in Jaboatão, trawling for shrimp and discarding this by-catch fauna near the coast also end up attracting these animals”, he explained.

In addition, according to the researcher, garbage aggravates the situation. “Garbage attracts a lot. […] As it is a very curious animal, whatever garbage, waste, it goes following, to find out what is there. Whenever we come to the beach, we bring the message that you take what you produced in terms of garbage and also take what is around you, because there will always be garbage”, he said.

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