Lapid calls Sisi and promises to investigate the burial of Egyptian soldiers in Israel

The Egyptian presidency announced that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received a phone call from Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Sunday evening, during which they talked regarding what was revealed regarding the perpetration of the crime. A massacre of Egyptian soldiers in Israel during the year 1967.

The official spokesman for the Presidency of Egypt stated that the call also dealt with some issues of bilateral relations between the two countries.

During this contact, it was agreed that the Israeli authorities would conduct a full and transparent investigation into what was reported in the Israeli press regarding historical facts that occurred in the 1967 war related to Egyptian soldiers buried in Jerusalem.

The Spokesman for the Egyptian Presidency added that Lapid affirmed that the Israeli side will deal with this matter in a positive and transparent manner, and that communication and coordination with the Egyptian authorities will be conducted regarding its developments in order to reach the truth.

from the 1967 war

The Spokesman revealed that the contact also dealt with exchanging views on the developments of the Palestinian issue, as it was agreed to work to arrange bilateral and multilateral meetings involving Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian President during the coming period in order to revitalize peace negotiations.

The Israeli Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by Egypt, led by Sisi, to achieve security, stability and cooperation in the region, according to a spokesman for the Egyptian presidency.

Earlier in the day, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry had announced the assignment of the Egyptian embassy in Tel Aviv to communicate with the Israeli authorities to investigate the truth regarding the massacre of Egyptian soldiers in the 1967 war.

On Friday, Israeli media revealed a mass massacre of soldiers from the Egyptian Thunderbolt in the Latrun area in the West Bank.

The Israeli newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” said that the Israeli forces buried more than 20 bodies of Egyptian commandos who had entered as a support force for the Jordanian forces in the war. According to the newspaper, the burial site today has become a parking lot in a park inside the “Mini Israel” settlement in the Latrun area.



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