Language course completed at the Portuguese House in Maracay

|| David Marcano Duarte || Photos El Periodiquito

After a year of theoretical and practical classes, a total of 32 students successfully completed the Portuguese course, held at the Casa Portuguesa in the state of Aragua, where the graduation ceremony was held in the presence of the board of directors.

According to Ana María Palavra, professor and coordinator of the course, the realization of this type of academic activity was thanks to the support of the current board of directors of the aforementioned Portuguese social, cultural and sports entertainment center in the city, chaired by David Alcaria. She also highlighted that the diplomas have the endorsement of the Luis de Vaz de Camoes Institute.

In this regard, Palavra, who teaches the three levels of Portuguese, extended a cordial invitation to the community to get excited about learning this “beautiful language”, as well as other languages, seen as a way to explore and learn about new cultures that expand work and social opportunities.

As for the course content, he stressed that the students completed a class load of one day a week, based mainly on the type of meaningful learning and “fun” dynamics, in which the participants themselves chose from the beginning the way in which they should be evaluated, in this case they opted for dramatization and presentations of some regions of Portugal.

On the other hand, the teacher, who has 30 years of experience in the field, stressed that learning other languages ​​is always very important for individuals, either because they want to travel and put the language they have learned into practice or to develop culturally in other areas of knowledge.

The graduates were congratulated for this important step, especially our colleague Yosimary Meneses, who together with her team from the Virgin of Fatima, made an excellent presentation of the final project, as did the rest of the participants.

#Language #completed #Portuguese #House #Maracay
2024-07-27 09:14:09



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