Landslides in mountainous areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, many tourists trapped – Pakistan

Several tourists were trapped due to landslides in the hilly areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, two houses were destroyed by landslides on Thandiani Road in Abbottabad, while many others were partially damaged, tourists trapped in Kumrat and Mahandari were rescued, due to snowfall in Ghazar. The weather turned cold, people wore warm clothes.

Landslides during the rains in the upper areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have added to the hardships of the people.

The closed road at Gali Banyan has not yet been restored. Due to the landslide on the Silk Road in Abbottabad Silhad, the victims have started to move.

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Even the road that was prone to landslides in Kumrat could not be restored. While tourists stranded in Kamrat were rushed to Kalam via Badgoi, some tourists left for Shringal on foot.