Landlord attacked with hammer: 16-year-old Styrian arrested

The restaurateur was able to escape. Based on the description, investigators tracked down the youth. He admitted to the crime but did not provide any further information. The boy was taken to the Graz-Jakomini prison, the Styrian State Police Directorate announced on Tuesday.

Innkeeper threatened

The youth had come to the bar area of ​​the inn in the Weiz district at around 4 p.m. on Saturday, wearing a red T-shirt. There he threatened the landlord with a hammer and said “Open the till and I’m off!” The landlord fled from the bar and the robber followed him. There he demanded money again, but the restaurateur managed to run back into the bar and lock himself in. The boy fled on a moped without taking anything.

The investigations by the State Criminal Police Office, police officers from the Weiz district and the task force for combating street crime then led to the 16-year-old from the Weiz district.



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