Lambán proposes to increase the places in the faculties of Medicine to alleviate the lack of doctors

“There are no doctors.” That is how blunt the president of Aragon, Javier Lambán, has been on Thursday, given the lack of health professionals, especially in Aragonese health centers. A lack that worsens during the summer and that, as the regional leader himself has recognized, is a “structural” and “national” problem, “not easy to solve”. However, yes, he has pointed out as a proposal, “because it seems logical”, “increase the number of students in the faculties of Medicine”, although that solution “would take effect within a few years”.

“From the budget point of view there is no restriction to hire professionals, the restriction is the lack of professionals who, I insist, in a problem that brings all of us regional presidents upside down,” said the highest representative of the DGA, after assuring that “if more professionals are needed, there will be more, as long as they exist”.

The Aragonese leader has recalled that the Department of Health is solving “in the best possible way” the lack of toilets by discounting overtime or offering those hours to be provided by professional volunteers from elsewhere. “The commitment to Health is something that the Government of Aragon manifests every day and in a reliable way”, he has defended.

The health services of Canfranc and Escarrilla will go to Jaca and Aínsa

Precisely, this lack of doctors has been noted in the Canfranc and Escarrilla Continuous Care Points, which had to close their doors due to lack of personnel. “The people who have these centers are not going to be neglected or abandoned in any way,” Lambán asserted, indicating that it will be the Jaca and Aínsa health centers who will be able to “completely take over until we can solve the problem of the existence of professionals”. “The centers are not neglected or closed at all,” she pointed out.

Covid-19: «It is mandatory to return to the measures in the face of the increase in infections»

“The curve is very steep. The level of infections is high at the moment. This has been highlighted by the Minister of Health, Sira Repollés, who has recognized that, given the increase in positives for Covid-19 in the Community, it is “mandatory to return to effective and easy to carry out measures”.

The head of Health referred to the recommendation to use the mask indoors again, especially when you are with people at risk. “We are very vigilant, we have warned of the need to take extreme precautions with the use of masks indoors, especially with the protection of vulnerable people, and also the need to isolate ourselves if we have symptoms or are positive,” she stressed.

Repollés has emphasized the commitment at the healthcare level that, although “it is increasing”, continues in “moderate figures”. In addition, there is no increase in seriously ill patients in the ICU.

Faced with other measures, such as the communication of casualties or positives electronically to relieve pressure on health centers and Primary Care assistance, the counselor has stated that “that option is not ruled out”, however, she has guaranteed that we are in an “absolute opposite” situation for it. “The commitment of Primary Care does not require us to take exceptional measures, but we have everything ready so that, if necessary, so be it”, she has concluded.

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