2023-06-26 12:36:43
“In 2022, following two difficult years marked in particular by a health crisis, LADOM is returning to a completely satisfactory overall level of activity. More than 60,000 overseas residents (all DROMs combined) have benefited from a LADOM system”, comments Saïd Ahamada, the general manager of the overseas mobility agency.
According to the 2022 activity report which has just been published, LADOM financed 1695 training actions last year via the passport for the mobility of vocational training. This system is aimed at job seekers residing overseas wishing to access mobility training due to the saturation or non-existence of the desired training in their territory of residence. It is characterized by support, subject to means, of the course and expenses related to mobility. This passport has benefited 1,654 young people from overseas, including 12 from Saint-Martin (0.7%).
LADOM also funded 100% of travel related to taking up a position for 158 people, including 31 from Saint-Martin. Concerning the passport for the mobility of studies (PME) which is intended for students aged under 27 residing overseas, who must travel to continue their studies due to the non-existence or saturation of the sector in their community, the system has benefited 9,276 students, including 262 from Saint-Martin. A total of 16,191 journeys were financed, 2.8% of which departed from Saint-Martin.
No Saint-Martinois has applied for the passport for professional internship mobility, which concerns overseas students whose training framework requires the completion of an internship outside their local authority of residence.
The people of Saint-Martin have made little request for classic continuity assistance (ACT). They represent 0.3% of applicants (168 out of 48,035). As a reminder, the classic ACT is aimed at overseas residents (without age limit) wishing to travel to mainland France. The aid is characterized by the granting, subject to means testing, of a reduction voucher with a travel agency or a partner airline. The budget committed to Saint-Martin amounts to 45,360 euros out of a total of 16 million euros.
Since 2018, LADOM has also supported bereaved families by providing funeral assistance, which provides for air travel related to a last visit to a dying relative or a funeral of a relative, or assistance with the transport of bodies, which makes it possible to finance part of the expenditure relating to the air transport of bodies. Last year, only two funeral aids in Saint-Martin were granted for a total amount of 540 euros. No aid for transporting the body has been validated.
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