A Citizen Dialogue was held in the commune of Ñiquén, an activity developed by the Presidential Delegation of Punilla together with the Women Heads of Household Program of the Municipality of Ñiquén, which addressed two relevant topics for the community: Food Pension Law and the Pension Reform presented by the Government.

The event took place in the auditorium of the Municipal Library of Ñiquén and included a presentation by the Judicial Assistance Corporation about the Food Pension Law, and with the presentation of the Seremi of Labor and Social Security, Eduardo Riquelme; together with the presidential delegate Rocío Hizmeri Fernández, on pension reform. Also taking part were the Seremi of Women and Gender Equality, Constanza Sánchez; the regional director of Sernameg Ñuble, Nicol Ulloa, and the director of the CAJ, Julio Díaz de Arcaya.

Presidential delegate Rocío Hizmeri Fernández commented: “We are very happy with the high turnout for this talk that addresses two very relevant topics for the community, but especially for the women of Punilla. The pension reform presented by our Chilean Government aims to improve the quality of life of all Chileans. The idea of ​​legislating was approved, but we are still halfway there. We will continue working to move forward, since pensions are an urgent problem that we must solve. We have to take charge and this is the time.”