Russia discovers huge reserves of black gold in Antarctica

2024-06-03 09:30:23

511 billion barrels of crude oil have been discovered by Russia in a part of the southern continent. This news nevertheless raises questions about the possible extraction of mineral resources in an area under international protection.

It is a real underground treasure that Russia has revealed. According to the revelations of British newspaper The Daily Telegraph of May 11RosGeo[1] has accidentally identified a colossal hydrocarbon deposit off the icy coast of the Weddell Sea in Antarctica.

The discovery, made by the Russian exploration vessel Alexander Karpinski, dates back to 2020 but was only recently revealed by the British press, based on documents from the House of Commons Environment Audit Committee (EAC).

If the news has caused a stir among British MPs, it is because the The United Kingdom claims the area in question, as do Chile and Argentina.

Antarctica, a common good of humanity

Across the Channel, Russia’s true intentions are being questioned by MPs who suspect mining ambitions. According to them, these discoveries could be the prelude to the introduction of drilling equipment for the extraction of black gold in this region.

If some fear a circumvention of international law, it is because this immense continent in the southern hemisphere is governed by the Washington Treaty on Antarctica, which entered into force in 1961 and signed by more than 50 countries. It states that the white continent is a common good of humanity dedicated to scientific exploration and peaceful activities. Thus, for 65 years this region of the world has been the preserve of scientists who carry out numerous researches there, in particular on the gigantic volcanoes present.

To prevent any further ambitions, the Madrid Protocol, in force since 1998, explicitly prohibited the exploitation of mineral resources. Concluded for fifty years, this treaty could undergo modifications from 2048, which could possibly take the form of a revision of the legal framework concerning the opening of hydrocarbon exploitation in the zone.

For the time being, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Americas and the Caribbean, David Rutley, has decided to be confident about Russia since it assures that it only collects seismic data for scientific research purposes. He specifies that the “Russia recently reaffirmed its commitment to key elements of the treaty”.

Antarctica at the heart of desires

To put the volume in perspective, let us specify that 511 billion barrels is equivalent to 10 times the total production of the North Sea over 50 years ; this is more than double Saudi Arabia’s current reserves.abundance of resources (metals, minerals, gas, oil, etc.) concentrates tensions in the southern hemisphere, similar to those observed in the Arctic.

Antarctica is therefore at the centre of energy issues and can reshuffle the world’s geopolitical maps. Among the countries that wish to become major players in the region, we can cite China, world’s largest consumer of hydrocarbonswhich is increasingly involved in the region as evidenced by the Quarantine of Antarctic expeditions conducted in recent decades. She has, like Russiaone of the largest number of research stations. Last February, the Middle Kingdom launched the activity of the Qinling station, China’s fifth research base in Antarctica.

The fact remains that the discovery of this deposit risks pushing back the date of the famous peak oil…

[1] Russian state body responsible for geological studies

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