Guillermo Moreno’s reprehensible remarks about immigrants in Argentina: Here comes the coffee with milk

Guillermo Moreno’s reprehensible remarks about immigrants in Argentina: Here comes the coffee with milk

2024-08-31 18:20:06

former secretary of commerce Guillermo Moreno said something reprehensible Regarding the immigrants, he describes them as “Negroes” and refers to the women associated with them with another cruel concept: “The extraordinary milky coffee was born.”

“The black people who are coming will be part of the Argentinian community and what they eat, half of breakfast once a week, will change their constitution and change their minds,” Moreno said in a report on the platform. superior mixer.

“I’m not even going to tell you when they married white girls like you who had fantasies about black people and then they introduced this extraordinary milky coffee that I’ve seen in the Argentinian Constitution where I live, he continued.

He concluded: “The nationalism in which black people sang marches in “Once” was first-rate, and when they came to defeat them, they sang marches. Only Peronism can do this.

Guillermo Moreno’s reprehensible remarks

Recently, in zenisorIn another live broadcast, Moreno also starred in another scandal comparing Jews to people with disabilities. Journalist Iván Schargrodsky asked him about some of his views on the Jewish community: “”Why do your constituents, or your most central project on social networks… In fact, one of your collaborators , sometimes in the media that accompanies you, everyone the challenge is always when I make criticism or (Alejandro) Berkovic makes criticism ‘And this Jew'”.


It went viral on the internet. “Who is the ‘Peronist’ Belgrano or Talleres? They asked Guillermo Moreno and this is what he said.”

Moreno responded: “It’s possible, I don’t know. I don’t know what happens online. Do you have a problem being Jewish? Do you feel you have a handicap?”

He said: “Now, attacking my children is a big deal… It will not happen at all. What you are talking about will not happen in the political sphere, which is full of Jewish militants.

Also in May, on a TV show, he had a very heated confrontation with liberal Senator Francesco Paultroni, who clashed with him: “I won’t be angry, but the atmosphere makes I’m a little nervous. For example, Mr. Moreno, he made 10 million cattle disappear and 70,000 small producers.

Moreno suddenly said: “Let’s discuss it. They always get those ridiculous numbers. Shut up and let him talk. You don’t know anything, you are still a child. Yes, you unite and dedicate yourself to politics, Why don’t you do your own thing because you want to live on others, kid, you’re just like everyone else, and of course he’s going to fall apart if he doesn’t know what to do. .

Guillermo Moreno’s reprehensible remarks about immigrants in Argentina: Here comes the coffee with milk

Guillermo Moreno in Leones: In Córdoba, Peronism has a social democratic “smell”

Early August, Moreno was sentenced to three years in prison and disqualified from holding public office for six years for manipulating the index. The National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec) aims to falsify inflation data.

#Guillermo #Morenos #reprehensible #remarks #immigrants #Argentina #coffee #milk



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