La Nación / Cones closed the Medicine course at the María Serrana Private University

The Medicine careers of the María Serrana Private University, of the central headquarters of Asunción and its subsidiary of Ciudad del Este, were closed by order of the National Council of Higher Education (Cones). The institution was intervened in June of last year.

This on the recommendation of the Vice Ministry of Higher Education, dependent on the Ministry of Education and Sciences, for facts related to certificates of studies and titles issued by the university in the Medicine degree career. The study certificates contained false signatures of MEC officials and this was discovered when the students requested the issuance of degrees.

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As a precautionary measure, the registration of titles by the MEC and the professional registration of the Ministry of Public Health were suspended for the duration of the investigation. Now, definitively, the graduates of the career in question at the María Serrana University will not be able to request their degrees or professional registrations.

Finally, the Cones, in its session on Thursday, March 31, 2022, resolved to close the Medicine courses at the aforementioned private university, following the intervention carried out by the intervenors: Dr. Julián Agüero de León, Dr. Carmen Wilberger and Dr. Viviana Jiménez, with the accompaniment of the legal advisers of the university, during the process, Dr. Gladys Brítez was added to the intervening team.

In this sense, the degree course of both venues were eliminated from the National Registry of Academic Offers, this institution is prohibited from offering it, but not the other courses of its faculties. Considering that Medicine is a very important specialty in society, in which the health of the population is at stake.

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The designated intervening team carried out the corresponding procedures and the irregularities were verified, which were presented in a final report to the Cones, which unanimously approved the closure of the careers in this house of studies.

Affected students may request via a note to Cones a validation of the subjects, semesters or modules already developed. In this sense, the Cones has a mechanism to not leave students homeless and through an academic evaluation of placement, it will refer them to another legally authorized institution, and through the results of their evaluation it will be measured through their knowledge in the matter. , at what level you should enter in this new institution to which you send them.

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