La Jornada – Exceeds registration of applicants for Medicine at UBBJ in Nayarit

Tepic, Nay. Pável Jarero Velázquez, responsible for the federal support programs for Well-being in Nayarit, announced the official registry of 80 applicants to study Integral Medicine and Community Health, an amount that exceeded the minimum number of 50 required for the start of activities of the new campus of the Benito Juárez University, which President Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised to open in San Andrés Milpillas, Huajicori municipality, to benefit the inhabitants of that mountain area and the Original Peoples of the El Gran Nayar region.

He informed La Jornada that all the applicants who registered, since last December, in compliance with the call issued by the National Coordination of the Benito Juárez García Universities, follow the admission process with the delivery in the Welfare offices in Huajicori, of the physical documentation required for the process of your school enrollment.

Pável Jarero recognized the response of the 80 high school graduates, mostly from families in the mountainous area of ​​the Huajicori municipality located in the extreme north of the entity on the border with Sinaloa and Durango, and highlighted that “the number of applicants for studying Integral Medicine and Community Health far exceeded the 50 minimum required, to make the start of the school year of the new Benito Juárez University in San Andrés Milpillas a reality, and thus comply with the commitment that President López Obrador made with the families of that community on his visit on September 9.

To the applicants to be part of the first generation of Comprehensive Physicians and Community Health who already met the requirements, “they are given an induction course so that next February they can begin formal classes in their first semester at the Benito Juárez University in San Andrés Milpillas,” the federal official said.

There are currently 145 Benito Juárez university campuses in operation, and the headquarters that will be built in San Andrés Milpillas, Nayarit is one of the 55 authorized for this 2023 in municipalities and marginalized areas of the country, with an emphasis on careers related to Medicine and Nursing.



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