La has been compagnie (Dunod “Hors collection”, 2024)

2024-07-24 22:00:00
Pages 2 to 5: Start Page | Pages 6 to 7: Acknowledgements | Pages 8 to 9: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Interview with the (very) young generation | Pages 10 to 13: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Not a crisis of jobs, but a crisis of wages | Pages 14 to 35: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Chapter 1: Stock market and life, new wishes of the freelancer | Pages 36 to 48: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Chapter 2: Individualisation, a new way of doing business | Pages 49 to 64: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Chapter 3 Chapter: Participatory democracy, a new way of leadership | Pages 65 to 80: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Chapter 4: Authority, a positive influence on reforms | Pages 81 to 95: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Chapter 5. Prosperity is no longer a question of profit, but of progress | Pages 96 to 109: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Chapter 6. Critical thinking, from an enlightened social sensibility | Page 110: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Summary | Pages 111 to 115: Olivier Bas and Bruno Metdling – Conclusion | Page 116: Same author | Pages 117 to 125: Notes.
#compagnie #Dunod #Hors #collection



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