La Francophonie celebrated in music and songs in the Jura

The Week of the French language and Francophonie is regarding to unveil its splendor in the Jura. The 27e edition will take place from March 16 to 26 on the theme “Music and songs in the Francophonies”. The cultural institutions of the Jura organize five events throughout the canton. The objective: to introduce artists, authors, musicians and specialists from different French-speaking regions.

A first concert will take place on March 17 at the church of Glovelier, with the Chorale des Enfants de Cœur and the choir “Ose”. The Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes will take over on the 18th by hosting an “Out of season” evening for the Gold Medal of Song. The Bel Hubert, Ben Herbert Larue and Félicien Lia trio will perform in Saignelégier. The Théâtre du Jura, in Delémont, will then offer a concert by Dominique A on the 21st. This French singer-songwriter notably wrote for Alain Bashung and Etienne Daho, then collaborated with Yann Tiersen and Calogero. In Porrentruy, Espace Renfer will offer a writing workshop on the 24th with the artist and slammer Narcisse.

Finally, still on March 24 and still in Porrentruy, the Espace Viatte will be the scene of a round table and a screening where the Pierre Jobin Funds – Quebec impresario and producer – which are kept at the Cantonal Library will be discussed. Jura and the Archives of the City of Quebec. Among the speakers are Claude Hauser and Matthieu Gillabert (professors at the University of Fribourg), Géraldine Rérat-Oeuvray (cantonal librarian), David Tremblay (archivist of the City of Quebec) and Jacques Audet (author and friend of Pierre Jobin). This event will be the highlight of this 27e French language and Francophonie week, the full program and details of which are to be discovered ici. /rch

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