La Cantuta case: report on samples hid | Hill Group | Alberto Fujimori | Vladimir Montesinos | Present

Cieneguilla. Relatives of the victims of La Cantuta do not forget. They were on errands last year to continue looking for the remains of those who are missing. Photo: diffusion

An important revelation was made known when the bags that arrived from England with the samples of the victims of La Cantuta University were unsealed. In 1994, the laboratory in charge of carrying out DNA tests sent a report to the president of the Military Court, documentation that was never attached to the trial file for the members of the detachment Hill.

So he exposed it to The Republic the lawyer from the Association for Human Rights (Aprodeh), Gloria Canowho represents the relatives of the students and the professor kidnapped and murdered in July 1992 by the military contingent, following an anti-subversive policy approved by then-president Alberto Fujimori, sentenced for it to 25 years in prison.

She participated in the procedure carried out last Saturday at the Ayacucho Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit, created to identify the victims of the years of political violence between 1980 and 2000.

There the box with bones exhumed in the Cieneguilla graves was transferred, returned by the Birmingham Coroner’s Archive following almost 30 years of being sent to confirm if they were from La Cantuta, and that she was missing until last year when Aprodeh and the Redress organization, from London, managed to locate her.

During the procedure, each of the bags was opened, making an inventory and confirming that they corresponded to the codes of the blood samples of the next of kin and skeletal remains. In addition, in an additional bag there was a report in English, which contained graphs and charts that will be evaluated by the biologists from the Ayacucho laboratory.

“They will determine what exactly it says, to find out if the DNA tests were carried out and what the results were. But apparently there was an analysis,” Cano said.

He stressed that, although the identification is being carried out within the framework of a humanitarian issue and not a criminal proceeding, the biologists promised to complete their evaluation as soon as possible.

they hid information

the lawyer of Aprodeh He remarked that in the box sent from England, documents were found confirming that in August 1994 a communication was sent directly to the then president of the Supreme Council of Military Justice, Guido Guevara. “And, despite the fact that the relatives have been investigating, Guevara always denied having knowledge of the results,” he questioned.

In the file of the Military Jurisdiction once morest the soldiers who made up the Colina detachment there is no document sent to Guevara.

But in the file of the Military Jurisdiction The document we found is not in this folder. There was an omission, I think voluntary not to include it. Perhaps it reached Mr. Guido Guevara, and he did not send it to the judge hearing the case to include it in the file, but rather kept it and hid it. There was a bad intention to deny information and aggravate the suffering of the family,” Cano said.

He also stressed that the then National Prosecutor, Blanca Nélida Colán, remembered for her closeness to the Fujimori regime and his adviser Vladimiro Montesinos, indicated that any results should be sent to Guevara.

“Mrs. Blanca Nélida Colán said that she knew nothing; however, in one of the Foreign Relations documents in the United Kingdom it is pointed out that, by arrangement and telephone conversation with her, it had been determined that all information be forwarded to the Military Court, to Mr. Guido Guevara, giving him the address where he had to send her. She lied when she said that she did not know if there was an answer, because she was in communication with the forensic laboratory, ”Cano warned.

Other time. Former prosecutor Colán with Alberto Fujimori, convicted of crimes by the Colina group. Photo: diffusion

Only one examination would have been carried out

Former prosecutor Víctor Cubas was in charge of the exhumation of the Cieneguilla and Huachipa graves in 1993. He asked the then National Prosecutor, Blanca Nélida Colán, to send the samples abroad for a DNA test.

Last year, he told La República that through unofficial information he found out that a report had arrived in August 1994. He said that the former secretary of Colán and today being investigated, Gonzalo Chávarry, told him that they would have carried out the test on only one of the samples, which turned out to be compatible with one of the students from La Cantuta.

The document sent by the laboratory is not in the file of the Military Jurisdiction once morest the Colinas.

  Ayacucho.  EFE biologists will evaluate if the test was done.  Photo: diffusion

Ayacucho. EFE biologists will evaluate if the test was done. Photo: diffusion



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