La Beriso returns to Uruguay with her new work Mienten – Telenoche

August 15, 2024 – 22:04

La Beriso is back with its fans in Uruguay. The band led by singer Rolo Sartorio is returning to Montevideo this Saturday, August 17, and will perform at the Antel Arena stadium.

The show will feature the presentation of the new album Mienten, and according to Rolo the whole band is “happy with this new release, the production, how it was recorded and how it came out.”

“We don’t believe in tours to present the album; it’s a title to go out and play. And this Saturday we’re going to play the band’s classics and preview songs from the new album so you can listen to it,” said Rolo.

One of the songs on the new album is called “Mienten” (They Lie) and according to Rolo it was a song born during the pandemic: “I made it one night when we were locked up at that time and from the balcony you could see the streets completely empty; the only thing that worked were the traffic lights in the tremendous loneliness that there was with the confinement.”

Regarding coming to Uruguay, Rolo said that as a band they like to visit the country: “We started going to small bars; people respect us a lot, they give us a lot of love.”



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