L-Ghent: “I have my feet on the ground” | He will perform for free at Tecnopolis

Tickets are now available for the recital to be offered by L-Gante at Tecnópolis, the Sunday, February 13, at 8:00 p.m. It’s a show free, whose tickets are obtained on the park’s website: the only condition is that the attendees have the complete vaccination schedule. The recital that will star the icon of cumbia 420 and the current scene of Argentine urban music, will take place within the framework of the third edition of the musical encounters sunsets. As a prelude to his performance, a press conference was organized on Friday followingnoon with the participation of the artist and his manager, Maxi “El Brother”, accompanied by the Argentine Minister of Culture, Tristán Bauer, and the director of Tecnopolis, María Rosenfeldt.

“For me it is wonderful to have my friend Elián in Tecnópolis,” said the Minister of Culture, following the delegation arrived at the place in an electric golf cart driven by Elián Valenzuela himself, the name behind the alter ego. “As you know, the pandemic for culture has been very hard. Tecnópolis was always at the service of health. First we transformed it into a health care center, and then we had a stage in which with bubbles and everything very carefully we started with the first concerts”, recalled Bauer, who gave the musician a book on the 10 years of Tecnópolis. “I always talked regarding the essence of Technopolis: a place conceived for science and technology, a meeting place between artists and their public. For me what is going to happen next Sunday will be a real party”.

Then it was the star’s turn. “More than anything, we do this to be in contact with young people like me, and with adults as well. Always keeping the rules, because of how everything is now”, said the singer from General Rodríguez. “We are going to be guiding and motivating. What I always want to convey to young people is that they carry out their goals, cast your visions and focus. We were talking to finish my studies, because I left school incomplete. You have to face forward at all times. Although there are complications, whether in studies, in the process of going from being a young person to an adult or in having your responsibility and independence, we are here to provide help and facilitation. We are also here to give motivation.”

The manager of L-Ghent added that they had been looking for a recital with these characteristics for a long time. “We wanted to make a big event for all those who might not see it due to economic reasons or distance. Between Capital and Buenos Aires we only did two shows. And people told us that they wanted an outdoor recital. Talk goes and talk comes, the proposal to do something in Tecnópolis appeared. There are many children who follow Elián. While the lyrics are very raw and real, as everyone knows, the kids got hooked on him, your image and your personality. This is a call for all for big people, rockers and for all those who might not see it live”. And he also highlighted: “Elián will not charge a penny. It is a gift that he wanted to give to Argentina. We are planning a lot of things for that day.”

Regarding the impact it had on young people, the 21-year-old artist said: “I always try to convey my ideals. In which was the music, the lyrics and the beginning, I did not imagine what it might reach”, he confessed. “In any case, it is something that happens to me: complications that I had, things that happen in the neighborhood and others that are around. The youth can take it or not. I always try to convey that there are many things that can propel you, both forward and backward. It’s good to have a goal, goals to meet and dreams. And if they can give you a hand, even better”. On the explosion that his career had in the last two years, he reflected: “I would tell the Elián of two years ago to stay true to his instinct. So far, I don’t see it wrong. I decided a lot of things in that time, like quitting a job and starting from scratch with something else. Or be a dad. I do not regret anything”.

This week, L-Ghent made headlines for the suspension of two recitals because of their alleged “extravagant requirements.” Page 12 He asked the singer regarding his exposure to the media, and how these cancellations contrast with the free and altruistic concert at Tecnópolis. “I had a season where I was very exposed, where I had good and bad reviews. As a young man, I am grateful that I have my feet on the ground. It is something that has to be banked, and you have to be smart with all of that.” And he added: “They can throw you down as well as make you rise in many things. You have to be mentally strong for everything. Many people say that I am good, but by saying it so much that can be negative. Or if they don’t say that I play humble. I am what I am, and we are here to accompany the people”.

Maxi “El Brother” delved into the stigmatization of his representative. “I understand the ostentation, with respect to the rider or the requirements that are made. Last weekend Elián was in Derqui, and he climbed on top of a wooden table with two companions. They sang to the 200 or 300 people who gathered there. Because of the private planes or the technique that we ask for and that in theory does not exist, people know regarding this or know regarding what is uploaded to social networks. Most of the time they are journalists or media outlets who are irresponsible because they upload things that don’t work, and they do it without asking. For a note they call him every day. But to check if it’s true regarding the private plane, they don’t call you but they throw it there. And maybe they can hurt a kid who was selling milanesa sandwiches and chinstraps last year.”

The figure who will sing on the parking lot of Avenida de los Constituentes tried to put cold cloths on the matter. “They always try to get away with it, and they beat the artist down. But we don’t care regarding that. We continue in ours”. Before concluding, L-Ghent spoke regarding their future projects. “Several collaborations are coming. We are in it because we like it. And an important fact is that we are giving the international jump. Now we are going for that,” he said. “On the subject of my documentary, I didn’t know anything. There was a lot of talk in the media and social networks, which I read at home. I would love a documentary regarding my life because a lot of things happened to me. There were even times when I thought I had no chance of getting anywhere, and step by step they got there.



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