Kyriakos Mitsotakis Introduces 45 Innovative Plans at TIF to Revolutionize Wages, Pensions, Housing, and Tourism

The interventions for 2025, which extend until 2027, constitute a complete road map to the future, implement the government’s pre-election commitments to improve citizens’ living standards and convergence with the rest of Europe.

The Prime Minister’s priorities are clear: an increase in the average income both in the private and public sector and in pensions, protection of the family and the vulnerable, interventions for housing and support for entrepreneurship

In detail, the 45 measures announced by Kyriakos Mitsotakis are the following:

1) Insurance contributions will be reduced by 1% from January 1, instead of the 0.5% that was originally planned

2) More than 2,000,000 pensions are increasing from 1 January from 2.2% to 2.5%

3) The minimum wage increases from April, from 830 euros today, with the aim of rising to 950 euros by April 2027, automatically dragging up the three-year salary and many benefits.

4) In December 670,000 pensioners with an income of up to 1,600 euros who still have a personal difference will receive up to 200 euros.

5) The 767,000 Child Benefit beneficiaries will receive an additional installment of the benefit in December.

6) The 220,000 beneficiaries of disability allowances from OPEKA and EFKA will be reinforced with 200 euros, as will 35,000 uninsured senior citizens.

7) The 205,000 beneficiaries of the Minimum Guaranteed Income will receive it increased by 50%.

8) From the spring, almost 700,000 civil servants will start to see new annual increases which will gradually reach 100 euros per month.

9) The on-call remuneration of the NHS doctors will be taxed independently at a rate of 22%, which is equivalent to an average salary increase of 130 euros per month.

10) Additional incentive of up to 7,200 euros per year to doctors who will staff health structures in remote areas.

11) Free afternoon surgeries for 37,000 citizens with resources from the Recovery Fund

12) New “Marietta Giannakou” program for the upgrade and renovation of hundreds of schools in the amount of 250 million euros from the Public Investment Program with the aim of increasing this amount significantly through private sponsorships

13) The compensation for night work of enlisted men (Armed Forces, Coast Guard, Police and Fire Brigade) is increased by 20%

14) The Business Fee is completely abolished with an annual benefit of 325 euros for each self-employed person or individual business.

15) The minimum taxable amount of freelancers will also be reduced in areas with 1,500 inhabitants instead of 500, while the criterion of the maximum salary of an employee will not be calculated additively but only comparatively.

16) The Fixed Telephony Special Tax of 5% for optical fiber connections with speeds over 100Mbps is abolished.

17) Benefits for new parents are increased by 20 million, with 173,000 vouchers and 20,000 new kindergarten places.

18) Employers who facilitate their staff with benefits of up to 5,000 euros per year to new parents, will be exempt from tax on this amount, which will be increased for each new family member.

19) Convergence of the rights of those with three children and those with many children, regardless of income: from appointment to the State and admission to HEIs to participation in Social Tourism programs.

20) “Neighborhood Babysitters” will be expanded with vouchers up to 500 euros for each child.

21) Immediate abolition of the 15% tax on health insurance for children up to 18 years of age.

22) Free fertility testing for women aged 30 to 35 and simplification of EOPYYS coverage in assisted reproduction.

23) Reform of unemployment benefits so that they do not function as an alibi for undeclared work, directing the support to those who are in real need

24) More fair, efficient and targeted the three basic social benefits: Minimum Guaranteed Income, housing and child benefit with the aim of reducing child poverty in the country.

25) Permanentization of the return of the Special Consumption Tax on agricultural oil, from 2025 and for the following years these amounts will be returned in a fair and proportionate way.

26) A flexible management system for the “red” loans of farmers and cooperatives is established, so that based on their capabilities, the interest is reduced and part of the capital owed is abolished, while over time the repayment will be made with the possibility of refinancing and final settlement and elimination of encumbrances .

27) 600 million euro program to increase greenhouse cultivation in the territory.

28) Scheme for the exchange and compensation of idle public lands belonging to the Ministry of Rural Development. Investors in the area will undertake to cultivate these lands, building large-scale greenhouses exclusively with high-value export agri-food products.

29) Starts the “My House” II Program, amounting to 2 billion with resources from the Recovery Fund, to acquire a first home for more than 15,000 young people or young couples aged up to 50, with an interest rate half of the commercial one.

30) 400 million program for loans of up to 20,000 euros with zero interest and the goal of energy upgrading of thousands of old houses.

31) Exemption from rent tax for 3 years, for owners who rent closed properties or if they convert a short-term lease into a long-term one.

32) Contracts through platforms will be subject to a new, increased fee.

33) Prohibition of new short-term leases in the 3 central apartments of Athens for at least one year.

34) The ENFIA discount is increased by 20% for owners who insure houses worth up to 500,000 euros from theomen.

35) Immovable properties of greater value will retain the 10% VAT discount if they are insured, but if they are not, from April 2025 they will not be compensated by the state in case of damage.

36) All businesses with a turnover of more than 500,000 euros must be insured against natural disasters. Otherwise, they will not be reimbursed. Something that will also apply to each new contract, as well as to the renewal of an old vehicle contract for private or business use.

37) Incentives for innovation, business mergers and acquisitions are expanded with tax rebates of up to 315% for research investments.

38) The minimum capital limit of a company resulting from the transformation of smaller ones is limited to 100,000 euros.

39) Past Stamp Duty on hundreds of transactions: from business loan interest or insurance transactions to import credits and engineering budgets. And from the formation of non-profit legal entities to the simple issuance of a license to practice a profession.

40) Grant of “Golden Visa” for funds to be imported to finance startup companies with at least 250,000 euros

41) A new National Investment Fund is established, with funds of 300 million to provide incentives to dynamic initiatives especially in sectors with high added value.

42) 12+ 1 regional development plans are formed with many small and large projects in each municipality and each mountain or island community

43) Abolition of 15 time-consuming bureaucratic procedures with the aim of reducing the administrative burden by 25%, mainly in our export businesses

44) A Cruise Fee is imposed per passenger disembarking at a Greek port. Higher in Santorini and Mykonos, lower in the other ports, scaled by period.

45) The Climate Crisis Resilience Fee increases from April to October, proportionally, for hotels, accommodation and rental properties through platforms. The specific revenue will go back to the local communities to better organize their infrastructure against the burden they receive every summer.

Municipalities are strengthened – New program to renovate hundreds of schools

The end of the cruise is coming – Who does it concern and on which islands it will be bigger

Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the TIF: The plan of 1000 days until 2027 – 2 million pensions and the minimum wage increase – What changes in housing, tourism and benefits

SYRIZA: In the evening the vote on the motion of censure against Kasselakis – What the statute says – Everything that happened since noon

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#Kyriakos #Mitsotakis #measures #announced #TIF #salaries #pensions #housing #tourism



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