Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the robotics competition: Show us the way

Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the robotics competition: Show us the way

The international robotics competition “First Global Challenge”, which is being held for the first time in Greece with the participation of national teams from 193 countries, was visited by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, on Saturday morning (28.9.24).

Kyriakos Mitsotakis, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Digital Governance Konstantinos Kyranakis, had the opportunity to be informed about the “First Global Challenge” competition by its founder Dean Kamen, to talk to competing students and to see the robots they have built.

“Welcome. Dean, thank you so much for organizing this amazing contest. I would like to welcome you all to Athens, Piraeus. It is a great honor to host you here. There is so much positive energy in this stage. 193 countries are represented here – a special round of applause to each of you”, emphasized Kyriakos Mitsotakis from SEF.

“I just came back from the United Nations General Assembly and as I entered the stadium I thought: what a different mindset, our generation is struggling against all the problems but you are sending us a message about how to work together to solve the problems of tomorrow” , he underlined.

“Congratulations on being here. Again, this is not just about building the best robot or winning the competition, this is about meeting other people, building friendships and understanding the value of cooperation and respect. Greece was the place where not only democracy was born, but also the Olympic Games. And much of the science involved in building these robots was first invented in this country. Just think of the important ancient philosophers and mathematicians who first pondered these complex problems,” he pointed out.

“I have tremendous confidence in your generation. Your brains will help us solve the complex problems of tomorrow. Therefore, I wish you to have a good time, enjoy this competition, enjoy Athens, make good friendships and I am sure that your presence here in Athens, these memories will accompany you for the rest of your life. Whenever, again welcome and I wish you all the best,” he noted.

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