Appearing in recent days on television with hair, Kyan Khojandi has not gone unnoticed. In a video posted on Sunday, the comedian explained why he opted for this new hair look.
Alex Reed on the set of several television shows, including “Clique” on Canal+for the promotion of his one-man show which will soon be presented everywhere in France, Kyan Khojandiknown for his baldness, caused a stir when he appeared… with hair.
Thanks to the complicity of the presenters, the humorist and actor, revealed with the mini-series “Bref”, acted as if nothing had happened, never mentioning this hair change. A physical transformation which has not yet gone unnoticed, and has made Internet users react on social networks.
On Sunday, in a video posted on his YouTube channel, Kyan Khojandi – cap screwed on the skull – finally explained why he had chosen to have a hair prosthesis.
“I recently wondered how to get people’s attention. And I remembered that I was bald. I lost them when I was 20 and it was very hard for me. (…) I wondered what would happen if, overnight, without telling anyone, I showed up with hair, ”he says.
From communication to “social experience”
If the installation of this prosthesis in a hairdressing salon in Vincennes was initially only to be a nice communication stunt to promote his show, it quickly became the subject of a “social experiment”.
“And there, the strike: the tweets, people let loose in the comments, the stories ‘Anyway, I went to Turkey’, the comments of people who said that as a bald person, I had disappointed them. (…) Conclusion, when I have no hair, I have people who point it out to me, when I have hair, I have people who point it out to me”, he notes, recalling moreover, that bald people should not feel ashamed if they have recourse to implants or hair prostheses.
As for his fans who ask him if he is going to keep his “fake” hair, Kyan Khojandi remains vague and simply replies that you have to come see him on stage in “A good evening”which will be played from December 15 to 22 at La Scala, in Paris, and will go on tour from January.