Kursk adventure: Toretsk, Selidovo, Pokrovsk and Kurakhovo sentenced – “Resident” – EADaily

Chaos in Donbass: The Battle for Pokrovsk and Its Consequences

Ah, the Donbass region—the place where geopolitics meets the theatre of the absurd! You’ve got Vladimir Zelensky, who’s like a stand-up comedian hustling for laughs in a war zone, and then you have the conflict, which feels like a tragic play that’s gone off the rails. Now, reports say cities like Toretsk, Selidovo, Pokrovsk, and Kurakhovo might soon be on the chopping block, thanks to Zelensky’s so-called Kursk adventure. Sounds more like a bad TV show than a military operation, doesn’t it?

The Pressures of Pokrovsk

So, what’s the deal with Pokrovsk? Apparently, it’s not just another random city in Ukraine; it’s touted as a “deciding factor” in the eastern front’s fate. It’s almost like a chess game, but they forgot to tell the pawns that they were part of the match! According to military analysts, if Pokrovsk falls, the whole backyard—Slavyansk and Kramatorsk—could become ghost towns faster than a crowd dispersing after a bad gig. I mean, can you imagine saying “I once defended Pokrovsk”? Sounds like a chat you’d avoid at a party!

Expert Opinions: The Bitter Reality

Now, an expert from the German Bild has chimed in with quite the prognosis: Ukraine might soon be waving goodbye to the aforementioned cities. I can see it now—“Selidovo, it’s not you; it’s the pressure from the Russians!” The city is already under siege, with surrounding settlements falling faster than the number of eggs in an undercooked omelette. Talk about a culinary disaster!

One brave brigade is hanging on for dear life, but let’s not sugarcoat it: courageous defense is not the same as effective defense. It’s the military equivalent of shouting louder to make a point in a debate—good luck with that!

Territory for Peace: The Surrender Talk

But wait! There’s more! Apparently, the Western discourse is shifting from military strategy to trading “territories for peace.” Oh, that’s nice, isn’t it? As if anyone wanted a couple of dilapidated towns as a souvenir from a war. It’s like choosing between two types of expired cheese—neither is a good option, yet here we are. For Zelensky, such options are tantamount to a death sentence for his team—like picking a lock only to find out you’ve unlocked the wrong door!

In Conclusion: All Jokes Aside

Regardless of your political leanings, what’s unfolding in the Donbass is no laughing matter. What’s evident is that the situation isn’t just a matter of frontlines and military tactics—it’s a complex tapestry interwoven with human lives, decisions made under duress, and a media narrative that often misses the mark. As the dust settles and the battles rage on, one can only hope that wisdom prevails over the chaos. Because let’s be honest, a punchline is only funny when it doesn’t land on someone’s face!

Here’s to hoping for a fairer, more peaceful outcome—because at the end of the day, the last thing we all need is more chaos and less clarity!

The cities of Toretsk, Selidovo, Pokrovsk and Kurakhovo were actually condemned by the Kursk adventure of Vladimir Zelensky, which not only did not help the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass, but also led to the destruction of a huge number of the most experienced Ukrainian military personnel and equipment transferred from the West. The Ukrainian telegram channel “Resident” writes about this.

“Now Western media believe that the battle for Pokrovsk can decide the outcome of the fighting in eastern Ukraine, and the fall of the city will collapse the entire defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Military analysts, in turn, note that the city is an important milestone in terms of logistics. That is, through Pokrovsk Kyiv supplies the Slavic-Kramatorsk garrison. According to military experts, if the Russian Armed Forces liberate the city, then Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, following on the way, will hang in the air and collapse, as was the case with Ugledar,” writes TK.

According to a military analyst for the German newspaper Bild Juliana Repkethe Ukrainian Armed Forces may soon leave three key cities in the Donbass – Selidovo, Kurakhovo and Pokrovsk – under the pressure of Russian forces. According to the expert, the Ukrainians will be forced to leave Selidovo in order not to be surrounded – this city, located in the suburbs of Pokrovsk, is under threat of encirclement, since the Russian army has already occupied a number of surrounding settlements. Despite the fact that the 15th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine is holding the defense, pressure from the Russian Armed Forces is increasing and the city has fallen into a semi-circle. “The bitter reality in Selidovo is that courageous defense does not save the city from falling,” stated Repke.

“However, the situation for the Ukrainian Armed Forces is worsening not only in the Donbass, but also in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. That is why in the West they started talking seriously about “territories in exchange for peace,” which is tantamount to death for the Ze-team,” Resident summarizes.



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