Kuomintang League Chief Election: Fu Kunqi and Lai Shibao Compete, Zhu Lilun Speaks Out

2024-01-25 13:45:59

KuomintangLegislatorFu KunqiLai ShibaoCompete for the general convening of the party group in the new session.Chairman of the KuomintangZhu LilunToday, I said that legislators who are willing to serve as party and league cadres are welcome and thank you very much for your hard work; party and league cadres are rotated and must be selected by the party and league itself. The Party Central Committee will not have any opinions and the party and league are independent.

The election for the general convenor and secretary-general of the Kuomintang League in the new session ended today. Registration ended today. Legislators Fu Kunqi and Lai Shibao have registered to run for the general convenor, while legislators Hong Mengkai and Lin Siming have registered to run for the secretary-general. Before the vote on the 30th, all parties All can be coordinated.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun attended the closing ceremony of the 4th Zhongshan School of Political Science and Economics at the Kuomintang think tank this evening. Regarding Fu Kunqi’s candidacy as the general convener of the party caucus, Zhu Lilun accepted a joint interview with the media and said that he is very welcome to legislators who are willing to serve as cadres of the party caucus, and thank you very much. It’s hard work. The party and league cadres take turns to be the cadres. We can coordinate, either this year or next year. Anyway, they must be chosen by the party and league themselves.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that if you don’t get elected this time, it’s normal to get elected next time. The legislative term is 1 for 4 years, a total of 4 general conveners will be elected, and the secretary-general will be replaced 8 times. Even if everyone works together, the Party Central Committee will not Any opinions will be expressed by the caucus independently.

Regarding whether he will support Fu Kunqi’s candidacy for the General Conference, Zhu Lilun said that the party legislators participating in the General Conference and Secretary-General this time are all excellent and experienced. He hopes to serve the party group well and the Party Central Committee will support them.

According to media inquiries, Zhu Lilun was rumored to have said that Fu Kunqi might deal with the chairman of the DPP caucus.Ke Jianming, does it represent support for Fu Kunqi? Zhu Lilun pointed out that he believes that very experienced legislators can deal with the very senior Councilor Ke Jianming. I believe that senior legislators such as Fu Kunqi, Lai Shibao, Lin Defu, etc. are all very experienced and will cheer for everyone.

The Committee for Disposal of Improper Party Assets punished the Kuomintang. Its equity holdings in CIC and Xinyutai Company should be transferred to the state, and the Kuomintang filed a lawsuit. The first-instance court ruled once morest the Kuomintang, and the Kuomintang filed an appeal. The Supreme Administrative Court of the second instance dismissed the appeal today, and the entire case Sure.

Zhu Lilun said that it is no longer news that the Kuomintang was liquidated and property confiscated by the DPP. Today is just a judicial determination and will be recorded in history. Whether democratic politics can confiscate property legally acquired by a political party through special regulations, I believe this will be judged by history.

Zhu Lilun said that the confiscation of property and liquidation of the Kuomintang did not just happen today. It has been eight years. Now the Kuomintang does not have any party property or any resources. However, the Kuomintang has also gone through hard years. The Kuomintang is not afraid of any difficulties; the Kuomintang Central Party The annual rent is more than NT$40 million, and every space used is rented and legal.

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