Kunst + Krempel is filming at Fasanerie Castle – dolls and much more

Eichenzell (gü) – The people who are taking part in the recording of material for new episodes of the Bavarian Radio program “Kunst + Krempel” this weekend at Fasanerie Castle have treasures bought at the flea market or found in the cellar. The glass and toy experts were on site on Friday. Among other things, Martin Weidner and his daughter Theresa Morra from Künzell showed the experts a doll that Morra’s great-great-grandmother had brought into the family.

A tractor-trailer from Bavaria Studios stands at the edge of the parade yard, the gallery hall of the castle and adjacent areas are reminiscent of a television studio, there is technology everywhere, desks and workstations have been set up, areas are divided off with black partitions and cloths. There is a red carpet under the bar tables where the participants meet the experts. The team of around 60 people has been on site since Monday and has been setting up. The recordings started on Friday. In the morning it was about things made of glass, in the afternoon it was about toys. On Saturday and Sunday, the experts for watches, design, musical instruments, sculptures and paintings will be in action in further blocks. The material filmed will be shown in around 20 programs, mixed with scenes from other locations.

Weidner and Morra from Künzell were among the people who were selected from the numerous applicants for the recording. “This is my great-great-grandmother’s doll, which she gave to my great-grandmother and which my grandmother also played with,” Morra reported. The doll had been lying in the basement for years, but now father and daughter wanted to find out more about it – not because they wanted to sell it. “We’re more interested in where the doll comes from,” said Weidner. Together they listened in front of the cameras to what the experts Mathias Ernst from the Spielmuseum Soltau and Anke Wendl, an auctioneer from Rudolstadt, had to say.



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