Kudrytskyi Clarifies: Dismissal from Ukrenergo Leadership Unlinked to Substation Security

The head of Ukrenergo, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, was dismissed the day before wrote on his Facebook on September 3, that he himself initiated the meeting of the supervisory board, which, in his opinion, has exclusive powers to dismiss and appoint the head of Ukrenergo.

“Despite individual reports in the media, the decision of the HP (supervisory board – ed.) regarding my dismissal has nothing to do with the security of Ukrenergo substations. I presented a detailed report on each object to the members of the Supervisory Board. And the members of the National People’s Republic did not have any questions for him,” he said.

Also, according to Kudrytsy, a campaign to discredit Ukrenergo was launched in anonymous telegram channels and some mass media.

On September 2, the majority of members of the supervisory board decided to prematurely terminate Kudrytskyi’s mandate. About this, in particular reported People’s Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak.

The reasons for Kudrytsy’s dismissal were not officially announced.

Earlier, the Ukrainian media, citing sources, wrote that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, at a meeting of the Stavka, asked the chairman of the board of Ukrenergo to write a statement of resignation due to the alleged poor protection of Ukrenergo facilities. The media noted that Kudrytskyi refused to write a statement, so the supervisory board had to consider his dismissal.

At the same time, the head of the supervisory board of Ukrenergo, Daniel Dobbeni, and the member of the supervisory board, Peder Andersen, submitted applications for early termination of their powers on Tuesday after the dismissal of the head of the department, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi. About this it is said in a statement published by the company’s press service.

“We believe that the decision on the early dismissal of the head of Ukrenergo is politically motivated and, based on the results of the presented report, there are no valid grounds for it,” the report states.

Dobbeni and Andersen stated that from the first days of their work in the supervisory board of Ukrenergo, they felt political pressure and “observed constant attempts to bypass the competition to appoint people whose professional qualities were questionable to the board of the company”, and also regularly received reports from the company’s management during meetings about the negative impact on the company’s reputation of anonymous sources in social networks and pressure on employees from law enforcement agencies.

“In conditions where the corporate management of the company according to OECD standards is called into question, we do not see the possibility of continuing our work in the supervisory board of Ukrenergo.” Violation of the principles of corporate governance and the adoption of a decision to dismiss its manager without proof of improper management is unacceptable and may affect the further cooperation of Ukrenergo with ENTSO-E member operators,” the statement emphasized.

The duties of the chairman of Ukrenergo will be performed by the deputy chairman of the board Oleksiy Brecht.

The Dismissal ​of Ukrenergo ⁣Chief Volodymyr Kudrytskyi: An Inside Look

In⁢ a significant turn ⁤of events within Ukraine’s energy landscape, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi,⁤ the head of Ukrenergo, was dismissed from his position on September 2, ⁣2023. ⁣This ‌decision, made by the supervisory board, has sparked considerable debate and raised questions‍ regarding the underlying motivations behind his termination. Kudrytskyi’s dismissal not only has⁤ ramifications for Ukrenergo but also ⁢reflects broader⁣ political ​dynamics in Ukraine.

Background‌ of the Dismissal

The day before⁢ his⁣ dismissal, Kudrytskyi took to Facebook to share insights​ into ‍his tenure and the ​circumstances ‌surrounding his departure.​ He⁣ claimed ⁢to have initiated⁣ a meeting​ with the supervisory board, asserting that they held exclusive‌ powers to appoint and dismiss ⁤him. In his post, he stressed, “Despite individual reports in the media, the decision of the HP (supervisory board) regarding my dismissal has nothing to⁢ do with the security of Ukrenergo substations.” He highlighted⁣ the comprehensive reports he provided to the ‍board, ‌indicating no inquiries about his management ‍of security at the company’s facilities.

Despite his assurances, Russian political‍ intrigue overshadowed‌ his claims. Kudrytskyi criticized‌ what​ he termed a “campaign ⁣to discredit Ukrenergo,” purportedly orchestrated through anonymous ⁢telegram channels and various media ⁣outlets.

Reasons Behind the Termination

While Kudrytskyi’s dismissal was not officially rationalized by the supervisory board, media speculation⁤ suggested that Ukrainian President ⁢Volodymyr Zelenskyy had concerns over ‌the protection of Ukrenergo’s facilities. Reports indicated that⁣ during a meeting of the Stavka (the military leadership), Zelenskyy⁣ encouraged Kudrytskyi to resign due ​to allegations of inadequate​ security measures. According ⁤to ⁣various sources, Kudrytskyi’s refusal to resign catalyzed the board’s​ decision to pursue his ‍dismissal.

Political Motivations

Reflecting the contentious nature of the⁣ decision, both Daniel⁢ Dobbeni, the head ⁣of the supervisory board, and Peder Andersen, a board member, ⁢submitted applications for early termination of their powers ‍following Kudrytskyi’s dismissal. They described the⁣ board’s decision as politically‌ motivated and asserted that the grounds for his termination lacked substantive justification.⁢ In their statement, they expressed concerns over political pressure influencing board operations, hinting at an atmosphere that favored appointments of individuals lacking‍ in ‌professional credentials.

Impact on​ Ukrenergo

The dismissal⁣ of Kudrytskyi ⁤has broader implications for the energy sector in Ukraine, especially in light of ongoing challenges. Ukrenergo plays a crucial‌ role in ​stabilizing Ukraine’s power supply, particularly in⁢ the face of potential threats and vulnerabilities heightened by⁤ geopolitical tensions. ​The uncertainty surrounding Kudrytskyi’s dismissal could affect not only the management of Ukrenergo but also public confidence in the institution tasked with ⁤maintaining ‌national ⁣energy security.

The Future⁣ of Ukrenergo

As the supervisory board navigates this transition, ​it will need to appoint a new ‌leader who can inspire confidence‌ and continue the critical work of safeguarding Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. Observers⁢ are keenly watching⁢ to ⁢see if the new leadership will prioritize transparency and stability amidst this shift, as the‌ energy sector is not just a matter of economics ‍but also a vital component of ⁤national security.


Volodymyr Kudrytskyi’s unexpected dismissal from Ukrenergo raises significant questions⁣ about governance, security, and the interplay between politics and management in ‌Ukraine’s energy ⁢sector. The motivations behind ‍such decisions can ‌often reflect‌ deeper political currents, and the ⁢subsequent actions taken by the‌ supervisory board will be ⁤closely monitored by industry analysts‌ and the Ukrainian public alike. As the ​nation continues to navigate its energy challenges, the developments ⁢at ‍Ukrenergo could play a pivotal role in shaping⁣ its ⁢future.

Keywords: Ukrenergo,‍ Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Ukraine energy sector,‌ supervisory board, political motivations, national security,⁢ energy infrastructure, Zelenskyy, Kudrytskyi dismissal, Ukrenergo leadership.



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