KSPSI Calls on PSN to Mobilize Communities to Combat Rampant Land Grabbing

Land Grabbing Rampant, KSPSI Encourages PSN to Involve Community”/>

The IKN project is a national strategic project. (MI/Rudi Kurniawansyah)

THE National Strategic Projects (PSN) that are being intensively built in various regions in Indonesia have turned out to have a number of problems. One of them is the unilateral encroachment of community land by private investors.

The General Chairman of the Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI), Jumhur Hidayat, admitted that he was saddened by the many cases of land grabbing belonging to the community under the pretext of PSN. For that reason, he proposed that all PSN be managed by the state through the Authority Body.

“If managed by the state, the people do not need to be evicted, but are involved in managing the PSN through mutual symbiosis,” said Jumhur in his statement, Thursday (12/9).

According to him, as a strategic project it should be managed by the state, perhaps through an Authority Agency, not privately. So that the orientation is not just profit, but how to empower the community through their assets.

PSN can run but with diversity so that people can live, farmers do not lose their land, and the country is not harmed.

Public policy observer Said Didu explained how PSN has become a cover for the efforts of a handful of investors supported by the government to seize people’s land at low prices. He pointed to the example of Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) II which purchased people’s land in Tangerang Regency for only Rp40,000-Rp50,000 per square meter.

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“In the name of PSN, supported by the Omnibus Law, they terrorize the people to immediately release their land,” he explained.

Said considered this movement very systematic because the Tangerang Regency Government lowered the NJOP from Rp160 thousand/m2 to only Rp40-50 thousand. So, the people are not given a fair choice.

Secretary General of the National Secretariat of the Agrarian Reform Consortium (KPA) Dewi Kartika said that since 2016 there have been 134 cases of land grabbing by the people through systematic efforts wrapped in legality.

“PSN is a systematic way of robbing people’s land, wrapped in the excuse of legality, and the people are powerless to fight back with the made-up legality,” he said. (J-3)

#Land #Grabbing #Rampant #KSPSI #Encourages #PSN #Involve #Community

-⁤ What are the‍ implications ‌of land⁤ grabbing on local communities in Indonesia related to National Strategic Projects (PSN)?

Land Grabbing Rampant:‍ The Dark‌ Side‍ of Indonesia’s National Strategic‌ Projects (PSN)

Indonesia’s National Strategic⁢ Projects (PSN) have been touted‌ as a key ⁣driver of⁤ economic growth and development in the country. However, a‍ closer look at these projects reveals‌ a more sinister ​reality.‍ Behind the facade ⁣of progress and development, a pervasive problem‍ of land grabbing⁣ has emerged, ⁣with ⁤private ⁣investors unilaterally encroaching on community land under the pretext of PSN.

The Problem of Land Grabbing

The General Chairman of the⁤ Confederation of⁣ All Indonesian Trade Unions⁣ (KSPSI), Jumhur Hidayat, has voiced his concerns over ⁣the rampant land grabbing that has ‌occurred ⁣in the name of PSN. He believes that the state should manage these projects⁤ through an Authority Body, rather than ​allowing private⁢ investors ⁢to take control. This, he argues, ⁤would ensure that the people are not evicted from their land, but rather involved in the management of ⁤PSN through mutual symbiosis.

A Cover for Land Seizure

Public policy​ observer Said ⁣Didu has shed light on how PSN⁤ has become a convenient cover for a handful of investors, supported by the ⁣government, to seize ⁢people’s‌ land ‌at⁢ low prices. He cites the example of Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK)⁣ II, where people’s land in Tangerang Regency was ‌purchased ⁣for a paltry Rp40,000-Rp50,000 per square meter.

Systematic Terrorization

Said alleges⁣ that ​this movement is highly systematic, with investors using the⁢ Omnibus Law to intimidate​ people into releasing their land⁢ immediately. The government’s backing of these projects has created an environment of fear, where people are coerced into surrendering their land, often without fair compensation.

The Need for Community⁣ Involvement

Jumhur Hidayat’s proposal⁣ to involve ⁤the community in ⁤the management of PSN through mutual symbiosis is a step in the right direction. By empowering ⁤the community to take an active role in⁣ these projects, the ⁣government can ensure that the people’s ​interests are protected, and ⁣that their assets are used for the greater good.

The Way Forward

To address⁢ the problem of land grabbing, the government⁤ must take ⁢a more proactive role in regulating PSN.​ This includes establishing clear⁢ guidelines and safeguards to ‍protect community land‌ and⁣ ensure that private investors do not exploit the system for ​their own gain. By promoting transparency and accountability, the government can restore ​public trust and ensure that PSN truly ‌benefits the people of Indonesia.

Keyword Highlights:

National Strategic Projects (PSN)

Land grabbing


Confederation​ of All‌ Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI)

Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) II

Omnibus Law

‌Community involvement

Government regulation

Transparency and⁣ accountability

Meta Description:

Indonesia’s National Strategic ‍Projects (PSN) have been marred by rampant land grabbing, with ​private investors seizing community land at ‌low prices. Learn how this⁣ problem can be addressed through community involvement⁣ and government regulation.

Header ​Tags:

H1:‍ Land‌ Grabbing Rampant: The‌ Dark Side of ​Indonesia’s National‍ Strategic Projects (PSN)

H2: The Problem of Land Grabbing

H2: A Cover for Land Seizure

H2: Systematic Terrorization

⁤ H2:​ The Need for Community ⁤Involvement

* H2: The Way Forward

What are the main causes of land grabbing related to National Strategic Projects (PSN) in Indonesia?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of land grabbing in Indonesia related to National Strategic Projects (PSN):

Land Grabbing Rampant: The Dark Side of National Strategic Projects (PSN) in Indonesia

The National Strategic Projects (PSN) in Indonesia, aiming to drive economic growth and development, have been marred by a pervasive issue – land grabbing. The unilateral encroachment of community land by private investors has become a rampant problem, leaving local communities dispossessed and powerless.

The Consequences of Land Grabbing on Local Communities

The General Chairman of the Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI), Jumhur Hidayat, has expressed deep concern over the numerous cases of land grabbing under the guise of PSN. The state’s failure to protect community land has resulted in the displacement of locals, loss of livelihoods, and the erosion of traditional ways of life.

According to Jumhur, the management of PSN should be taken over by the state through an Authority Body, ensuring that local communities are involved in the decision-making process and benefiting from the projects. This approach would prioritize mutual symbiosis and community empowerment over profit-driven agendas.

The Systematic Exploitation of Community Land

Public policy observer Said Didu has highlighted the example of Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) II, where investors, backed by the government, have acquired people’s land at alarmingly low prices. The Tangerang Regency Government’s decision to lower the NJOP (Annual Land and Building Tax) from Rp160 thousand/m2 to Rp40-50 thousand has further entrenched the exploitation of local communities.

This systematic exploitation is often justified under the guise of the Omnibus Law, which has been criticized for its lack of transparency and accountability.

The Devastating Impact on Agrarian Communities

The Secretary General of the National Secretariat of the Agrarian Reform Consortium (KPA), Dewi Kartika, has reported 134 cases of land grabbing since 2016. These cases demonstrate the widespread and systematic nature of land grabbing in Indonesia, often disguised as legal and legitimate transactions.

The agrarian communities, who rely on their land for livelihood, have been left powerless in the face of large-scale projects that prioritize economic growth over social welfare.

The Need for Inclusive and Sustainable Development

The KSPSI’s proposal for state-led management of PSN, involving local communities in the decision-making process, is a crucial step towards more inclusive and sustainable development. This approach would ensure that PSN projects prioritize the needs and aspirations of local communities, rather than solely serving the interests of private investors.

By acknowledging the severe consequences of land grabbing and adopting a more participatory approach, Indonesia can work towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all its citizens.

Keywords: Land Grabbing, National Strategic Projects (PSN), Indonesia, Local Communities, Agrarian Communities, Sustainable Development.



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