KS Bloom: here is what the father wanted for his son

A man’s life is never linear. It is strewn with good situations, as well as bad ones. KS Bloom went through all these hardships.

For those who don’t know, KS Bloom has appeared on the web making video capsules to share the good news, the one that changes sad and hardened hearts.

One thing leading to another, he landed in music with a style less known by Ivorians. It revolutionized the gospel.

The Gospel Rap artist gave us an exclusive interview during which we discussed various topics including his conversion to Christianity as well as the opinion of his parents, including his Muslim father.

How was it with the family? How was your conversion received by your loved ones?

”In good ! I come from two families, one Christian and the other Muslim! On the paternal side, my father had wanted me to opt for the Muslim religion,” replied KS Bloom.

”More as I usually say, my encounter with Jesus is a personal adventure… Faced with which no one can standoppose”, he added.

With its resounding success and notoriety, KS Bloom holds a primordial place in the hearts of its compatriots and its fans through social networks.

With Lifemag



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