Krzysztof Kasprzak in the Sejm. Scandalous words were said about LGBT people. Szymon Hołownia reacted

Krzysztof Kasprzak, a representative of the applicants of one of the civic projects whose first reading was to take place in the Sejm, insulted the LGBT community from the parliamentary podium. His scandalous words triggered the reaction of Marshal Szymon Hołownia, who admonished him several times and finally took the floor.

In the followingnoon, the first reading of the citizens’ bill amending the Act of July 24, 2015 – Law on Assemblies and certain other acts began in the Sejm. The representatives of the legislative initiative committee are Kaja Godek and Krzysztof Kasprzak, who was to present its justification during the meeting.

He began his speech by saying that “today the high house will decide whether potential child rapists will have easy access to them.” Later, he began to list cases in which children – as he put it – “lost their health and lives as a result of the actions of the LGBT community.” Kasprzak described in detail the tragedies of victims of pedophilia, sexual abuse and child murder, suggesting that homosexual people were to blame. Marshal Szymon Hołownia reacted to such words spoken from the Sejm rostrum.

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Scandalous words regarding LGBT people in the Sejm

– We are in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, and I care very much that – while respecting your signatures on this bill – we do not exceed certain limits. If you came here to regale us with drastic details of events from criminal chronicles and then put forward the thesis that they are related to the sexual orientation of the people who committed them, I understand that you also have enough intellectual courage to also say that all crimes that take place in heterosexual relationships are also caused by the heterosexuality of these people – said Hołownia to Kasprzak. He appealed to him not to cross the line of insulting LGBT people, because “LGBT people have absolutely every right to function in society and not be accused of being bloodthirsty murderers.”

Despite this remark, Kasprzak continued to try to describe drastic cases, which was met with shouts from the MPs in the room and another reaction from the Speaker of the Sejm. Hołownia noted that the applicant does not in any way refer to his project to amend the Act on Assemblies, which was the subject of this part of the deliberations. – I am giving you the last chance to avoid slandering LGBT people and accusing them of being perpetrators of crimes because of their orientation – warned Hołownia. When Kasprzak mentioned “raping and killing children by the LGBT lobby”, Hołownia cut him off due to violating the rules of the Sejm, ordered a five-minute break and invited him to a private conversation.

After returning to the room and giving the representative of the legislative initiative committee another chance, he continued to insult LGBT people. – We will not conduct a dialogue with the environment from which so many rapists and torturers of children come – he said, and was once once more interrupted by Marshal Hołownia. – You said that you would not hold a debate (…) and I still haven’t found out what you want to change in the Act on Assemblies – he noted. After further off-topic sentences, the marshal finally ordered Kasprzak to leave the podium. – I asked you several times to start presenting the draft bill, and from this podium you spread propaganda and insinuations, hurting the feelings and injuring many citizens of the Republic of Poland – he emphasized. However, he did not do so, so the marshal ordered a break in the session.

The recording of the broadcast shows that despite this, Kasprzak did not leave the podium, and following a few minutes a group of MPs with a rainbow flag approached him. Although the microphones did not record it, the applicant later decided to continue his speech, speaking to a completely empty room.

Krzysztof Kasprzak speaks to an empty TVN24 room

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Reactions on social media

Kasprzak’s speech is widely commented on social media. “In the Sejm, a representative of the far right is once once more pouring out homophobic slush. The dehumanization of LGBT people cannot be allowed. This sewage belongs in the trash!” – wrote MEP Robert Biedroń on X.

Left MP Wanda Nowicka noted that Kasprzak “compared the LGBT community to an ideology and a plague that increases the number of rapes in Poland.”

“There is no place for hate speech once morest LGBT people in the new Sejm! Love is love,” emphasized Klaudia Jachira, an MP from the Civic Coalition.

The well-known activist Bart Staszewski also commented on the situation. “Marshal Szymon Hołownia is effectively silencing the flow of lies and slander regarding LGBT+ people. This is a good sign. There will be a paragraph for the atrocities we have heard,” he wrote. “Saying that LGBT ‘rapes children’, that the ‘LGBT lobby’ wants to kill them, is hate speech. It will soon be punishable. I am glad that the Sejm, Marshal Szymon Hołownia, has restored standards in which there is no place to attack citizens of this country. Let’s hope it stays that way,” he added in another entry.

Source of the main photo: PAP/Piotr Nowak

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