Kristina Bukhynbalte expelled Ivan Barzikov from House 2 for 3 days

Having been the host on Lobnoye Mesto on the evening air on September 14, 2022, Christina finally “caught a star” and began to drive Ivan Barzikov deeper under the heel, where he has been lately leads a miserable existence. Barzikov, who used to be considered a topchik on a television set, is now plus one and is happily getting used to this role.

Today it became known that Kristina Bukhynbalte kicked Ivan Barzikov out of House 2 for 3 days. The participant of the reality show accused her married man of assault, but she has no evidence.

Allegedly, Vanya raised his hand to Christina in the car and she delivered an ultimatum to the presenters – she leaves or Barzikov leaves. We have already written regarding this on the sloka here.

According to the employees of the TV show who sympathize with Christina, Anya Samonina is once more involved in the story, with whom Barzikov is strictly forbidden to communicate. Vanya and Anya avoid each other so that Chris does not have paranoid attacks. But Barzikov, along with the guys escorted home Anya’s mother and for this he was reprimanded.

Humiliation following humiliation, Vanya is already sitting on Lobny in a women’s down jacket and Chris does not give him the opportunity to comment on project topics. For what money did Barzikov agree to endure Christina Bukhynbalte or is it unrequited love?



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