Krems appeals against European Cup penalty

UHK Krems, Austria’s men’s champion, has appealed a judgment by the European Handball Federation (EHF). The Lower Austrians were fined EUR 7,500 and paid for any further damage after they failed to travel to Novi Sad for the second round of the European Cup against Vojvodina. The reason for this step was the violent behavior of Vojvodina fans in the first leg in Krems.

Krems argues that they acted “to protect the players and officials of the club”. Although Vojvodina also received a penalty of 7,500 euros, they advanced to the next round with a total score of 10:0. “To say we are disappointed with this decision is an understatement. We are shocked,” it said in a broadcast on Wednesday. The EHF had a unique opportunity to send a clear signal against violence and racism in handball.

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