KPUD Urged to Cancel Dharma Phongrekun-Kun’s Nomination Over Alleged Personal Data Theft

screenshot of citizen data allegedly stolen for the DKI gubernatorial election.(doc.MI)

DISCUSSION regarding the single candidacy for the governor of DK Jakarta is considered to be injuring democratic values. Chairman of the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI) Julius Ibrani said one of the main principles of democracy is contestation so that various candidates compete healthily to gain public support.

“Single candidacy not only reduces the essence of democracy, but also indicates unhealthy practices in the election process,” he said in a written statement, Friday (16/8).

Recently, he said, PBHI received a number of complaints regarding alleged theft of citizens’ personal data. Residents’ identity card (KTP) data, after being checked on the official portals of the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Regional General Election Commission (KPUD), was allegedly used illegally to support the gubernatorial candidacy of Dharma Pongrekun-Kun, Deputy Chair of BSSN for the 2019-2021 period.

“These allegations indicate serious violations of citizens’ personal rights as well as negligence or even deliberate acts in the election administration process,” Julius added.

The theft of personal data, he said, violates the procedural provisions of the Election and Regional Election related to the administration of supporting ID card requirements as regulated in Article 41 of the Law on the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors, which regulates the minimum requirement for support from individual or non-party candidates of 6.5% to 10% which must be proven by collecting supporting ID cards. Therefore, the KPUD is urged to cancel the nomination of Dharma Pongrekun-Kun and Bawaslu needs to immediately take firm action in this case.

In addition, Julius emphasized that theft of personal data is a criminal act based on the Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP). Article 65 of the PDP Law prohibits unlawfully obtaining or collecting personal data for personal gain. Based on Article 67 of the PDP Law, this violation can be subject to a maximum prison sentence of 5 years and/or a maximum fine of Rp5 billion. (H-3)

#KPUD #Urged #Cancel #Dharma #PhongrekunKuns #Nomination #Alleged #Personal #Data #Theft



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