KPK Still Persisting on Requesting Replacement of the Judge in the Gazalba Saleh Case – 2024-07-09 23:32:36

Gazalba Saleh. (MI/Adam Dwi)

THE Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is still insisting on replacing the judge in the trial of Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh’s gratification and money laundering case. The first judge is considered to be burdened with an interim verdict if he continues to lead the trial process.

“It was explained by the leader at that time, Mr. NP (temporary KPK Chairman Nawawi Pomolango) that with an initial decision like that, then of course if it was continued, the panel would be burdened with the initial decision,” said KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu in Jakarta, Saturday (6/7).

The KPK does not want any burden in the trial of the case until the verdict stage. Asep has not been able to detail the next steps his party will take regarding the request for the replacement of the judge.

“We will check the request later whether it has been sent or not,” said Asep.

There are three judges who are trying the Gazalba Saleh case. They are Rianto Adam Pontoh, Fahzal Hendri, and Sukartono.

The KPK said there was a fishy smell in the interim decision of Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh. The oddity was even claimed to be felt by all parties.

Also read: KY Confirms Receiving Report on Alleged Judges’ Code of Ethics from KPK

“When it comes to fishy smells, everyone can smell them, sir. Especially the Corruption Eradication Commission, whose job is to smell them,” said the interim chairman of the KPK, Nawawi Pomolango, at the KPK’s Red and White Building, South Jakarta, Tuesday (25/6).

Nawawi was reluctant to detail the fishy smell he meant. However, the judge who tried the case has been reported to the Judicial Commission and the Supervisory Body (Bawas) of the Supreme Court (MA).

“We are no longer going to complain, we have complained. We will still wait,” said Nawawi. (P-5)

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