KPK Examination of 4 PDIP Politicians in Close Time is Just a Coincidence

Spokesperson for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Tessa Mahardika Sugiarto (MI/Susanto)

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to investigate the alleged bribery case in the procurement and maintenance of railway lines at the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA), Ministry of Transportation. Recently, four politicians from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) were questioned in close proximity.

The four PDIP politicians are Yoseph Aryo Adhi Dharmo, Hasto Kristiyanto, Sadarestuwati, and Riyan Dediano. The KPK said that the close timing of their examinations was just a coincidence.

“So, the involvement that we found was individuals, but coincidentally those people were in one party, for example party A, B, we called them all,” said KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu in Jakarta yesterday.

Asep explained that his party had not detected any specific orders from PDIP related to the project at DJKA, Kemenhub. Although, the results of their investigations were all the same, namely, related to the arrangement of the project at the government agency.

However, Asep said investigators were looking deeper into the budgeting process in the project that is currently being questioned. Then, the KPK was said to be looking into the DPR’s function in the construction of the railway line.

“To be more precise, this is related to budgeting, for this budgeting there are those responsible in the DPR, for example which commission, which commission,” said Asep.

Also read: Gapensi Semarang Chairman Questioned Regarding Corruption in the City Government

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK) examined Riyan Dediano on Monday, August 26, 2024. He was asked to provide an explanation regarding the alleged bribery case of procurement and maintenance at DJKA, Ministry of Transportation.

“Witness RD was present, and the matter was investigated in relation to the auction arrangement,” said KPK spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto in a written statement, Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

Tessa has not been able to detail the auction arrangements that investigators are investigating in this case. Riyan has the status of a witness when summoned by the KPK. (Can/P-2)

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