KPK Asked to Take Quick Action Regarding Rice Import Fines

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THE Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is urged to immediately name suspects related to the demurrage scandal or rice import fine of Rp294.5 billion. According to Trisakti University Criminal Law Lecturer, Azmi Syahputra, the Rp294.5 billion demurrage scandal is clearly an indication of corruption.

“Did the incident happen and who did it, who was the main perpetrator and the people who took part in the incident,” Azmi stressed, Tuesday (20/8).

According to Azmi, quick steps to determine suspects in the rice import demurrage scandal are needed to shed light on the incident. Azmi urged the KPK to immediately summon parties related to the demurrage scandal or rice import fine of Rp294.5 billion.

“The Corruption Eradication Committee must take quick and measured steps to conduct an investigation and summon the relevant parties immediately,” said Azmi.

For Azmi, the KPK is obliged to resolve and complete the demurrage scandal or rice import fine of Rp 294.5 billion because the case has been reported to the anti-corruption agency.

“It has been reported, so it is the KPK’s legal obligation,” said Azmi.

Also read: Touching Many Sectors, Rice Import Fines Must Be Thoroughly Investigated

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that all processes of handling the demurrage scandal or rice import fine of Rp294.5 billion were confidential. However, the KPK ensured that all processes of handling the case including the investigation related to the demurrage scandal of Rp294.5 billion could be continued to the investigation.

This was conveyed by KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika providing an update regarding the handling of the demurrage scandal or rice import fine of IDR 294.5 billion reported by the People’s Democracy Study (SDR).

“(All processes) of incoming reports and investigations (demurrage of Rp 294.5 billion) are confidential. But, in general, the period of handling cases in investigations can be decided to continue to investigations,” said Tessa, Monday (19/84). (Nov)

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