KPK Acts: Nurul Ghufron’s Pay Cut Following Ethical Misconduct

KPK Supervisory Board: Cut Salary”/>

Ethics hearing of Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Committee Nurul Ghufron.(Medcom/Candra)

The Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated that Commissioner Nurul Ghufron committed an ethical violation by interfering in the employee transfer process at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

“Imposing a moderate sanction on the person being investigated (Ghufron) in the form of a written warning,” said Chairman of the Ethics Council, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean at the KPK Supervisory Board Office, South Jakarta, Friday (6/9).

Tumpak explained that Ghufron was proven to have violated Article 4 paragraph (2) letter b in the Supervisory Board Regulation Number 3 of 2021 concerning Enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. The warning punishment was so that the former academic would not repeat similar behavior.

“(Then) so that those being examined as KPK leaders always maintain their attitudes and behavior by obeying and implementing the code of ethics and code of behavior,” said Tumpak.

The KPK Supervisory Board also imposed a 20% salary cut on Ghufron. The decision is valid for six months.

Ethics Council member Albertina Ho explained the mitigating and aggravating considerations for Ghufron in this trial. The mitigating factor is that he has never received an ethical sanction.

Meanwhile, the aggravating factor is that Ghufron did not regret his actions. Then, he was also uncooperative by delaying and obstructing the smooth running of the trial.

“Those investigated as KPK leaders should be role models in enforcing ethics, however, they do the opposite,” said Albertina. (P-5)

#Nurul #Ghufron #Proven #Violated #Ethics #KPK #Supervisory #Board #Cuts #Salary

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Nurul ‍Ghufron: A Controversial Figure in‍ Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission

Nurul Ghufron, a prominent figure in Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission ‍(KPK),⁤ has⁢ been making headlines‍ recently due to allegations ‌of‍ ethical violations and abuse of​ power. The ⁢KPK Supervisory Board has concluded that Ghufron committed an ethical violation​ by interfering ​in⁤ the ⁢employee ‍transfer process at the ​Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) [[ref]]. As a result, he has been​ slapped with a written warning‌ and a⁤ 20% salary cut.

The controversy surrounding Ghufron’s leadership has ‍been⁣ ongoing ⁢for some time.‌ In July ‌2024, court testimony revealed that Ghufron, along‍ with another KPK commissioner, ⁣Alexander Marwata, had made requests that raised questions about ⁢the independence of the KPK leadership selection process⁤ [[1]]. This led to concerns about the integrity of the institution and the ⁢impartiality of its leaders.

More recently, Ghufron was accused⁢ of abusing his influence ​for personal interests, prompting the President of the KPK Supervisory Board to declare that he had “proven to have violated ethics” [[3]]. This latest development has further eroded public trust in the‌ KPK ‍and its leadership.

As ⁣Deputy Chairman of the ​KPK, Ghufron’s role is to oversee the commission’s efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. However, his own actions have shown a lack‌ of commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards. ‌The‌ Supervisory Board’s decision to impose a‌ moderate sanction on Ghufron is⁢ a clear indication that his behavior has ​fallen short of expectations.

In a statement,⁤ the Chairman of the Ethics Council, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, emphasized ​that the warning ​punishment was intended to deter Ghufron from repeating similar behavior in the future‌ [[ref]]. The goal ⁣is to ensure⁢ that‍ KPK leaders maintain their attitudes and‌ behavior in line with⁢ the code of ethics and code of conduct.

Despite the controversy, Ghufron remains confident in‍ his leadership abilities, stating⁤ that⁣ he has ‍no ‌obligation ‍to report gratification [[2]].‍ However, his actions have raised ⁤questions about his ‍fitness to lead the KPK, and whether he⁤ is truly committed to combating⁣ corruption⁢ in Indonesia.

Nurul Ghufron’s leadership has⁣ been marred ⁣by ​allegations of ethical violations and abuse of power. The KPK Supervisory Board’s decision to impose a moderate sanction on him⁣ is a step in the ⁣right direction, but it remains to be seen whether he will learn from his mistakes and uphold the‍ highest ethical standards ​in his ⁤position.





The weakening of indonesia’s corruption eradication commission

Nurul Ghufron: A Controversial Figure in Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission

Nurul Ghufron, a prominent figure in Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), has been making headlines recently due to allegations of ethical violations and abuse of power. The KPK Supervisory Board has concluded that Ghufron committed an ethical violation by interfering in the employee transfer process at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) [[1]]. As a result, he has been slapped with a written warning and a 20% salary cut.

The controversy surrounding Ghufron’s leadership has been ongoing for some time. In July 2024, court testimony revealed that Ghufron, along with another KPK commissioner, Alexander Marwata, had made requests that raised questions about the independence of the KPK leadership selection process [[2]]. This led to concerns about the integrity of the institution and the impartiality of its leaders.

More recently, Ghufron was accused of abusing his influence for personal interests, prompting the President of the KPK Supervisory Board to declare that he had “proven to have violated ethics” [[3]]. This latest development has further eroded public trust in the KPK and its leadership.

As Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Ghufron’s role is to oversee the commission’s efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. However, his own actions have shown a lack of commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards. The Supervisory Board’s decision to impose a moderate sanction on Ghufron is a clear indication that his behavior has fallen short of expectations.

In a statement, the Chairman of the Ethics Council, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, emphasized that the warning punishment was intended to deter Ghufron from repeating similar behavior in the future <a href="



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