Koutsoubas: We are proud that the KKE was the party that gave the most sacrifices to the anti-dictatorship struggle – 2024-07-22 17:55:02

The KKE, together with the fighters who passed through Gyaros, will do everything possible to make Gyaros a place of historical pilgrimage, with full respect for its historical value and importance, stressed Dimitris Koutsoubas, in his speech tonight at the Freedom Park (former EAT – ESA area) at the event of the Attica Party Organization of the KKE on the theme “50 years since the restoration of urban parliamentary democracy”.

“The exiles of the junta in Gyaro, and the descendants of all those who were martyred in this hell, are not going to allow its historical character to be trampled and altered by anyone planning for profit,” he added.

The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the KKE, said that “50 years ago, on July 23, 1974, and while the Turkish army had invaded Cyprus, the junta-appointed “President” and the leaders of the Armed Forces agreed that there was no other solution from the handing over of governance to the bourgeois political forces’.

He pointed out that “under the fear of a more active and decisive intervention of the popular factor in the developments, Konstantinos Karamanlis was chosen as the best choice for the “restart” of the urban political system and thus formed the government of the so-called “national unity” on July 24 1974″.

The change in governance, what we are used to calling “Postcolonization”, was a product of compromise between the Junta leadership on the one hand and the US, NATO, bourgeois political leaders on the other, in order to continue to be served as best as possible. way the general interests of the Greek bourgeoisie and without disrupting its international alliances”.

He paid tribute to the fighters of the anti-dictatorship struggle and added “we are proud that the KKE was the party that gave the most sacrifices to the anti-dictatorship struggle”.

“The slogan ‘neither on the island, nor in prisons, the communists have never bowed to them'”, he added, “declares that we will remain unshackled even today, that our Party will never capitulate, will never bow down to rotten power and ideas them, their allies, the imperialist associations, the EU and NATO, will not become a mere component of this corrupt bourgeois political system, as many would like.”

Pointing out and explaining that “the dictatorship of April 21 was the birth and form of the very post-war bourgeois power in Greece” he added that “the group of coup plotters had hatched in the context of the mechanisms of the post-war state and the bourgeois army, but also of NATO” and noted, among other things:

“However, those who insist, 57 years later, on portraying the coup plotters exclusively as pawns of foreign powers, all they seek is to mislead and exonerate the very criminals, torturers and murderers of the Greek people, as well as the domestic big economic interests that supported them and were supported by them”.

D. Koutsoumbas referred to the different perceptions of how the dictatorship should end, noting “the civil political forces saw the removal of the dictatorship as the result of a summit agreement, in consultation and with the help and initiatives of both international allies and that is why they took little or no part in the anti-dictatorship action.

On the contrary, they were more concerned about the action of the labor-popular forces and in some cases they condemned it, as they did with the slogans of the Polytechnic uprising”.

“The KKE was the only party that did not participate and openly condemned the “liberalization” plans of the dictatorship, it supported the pursuit of its overthrow, in the organized struggle of the labor-popular factor, with all forms of struggle” he underlined.

He explained the reasons why the dictatorship found the KKE “ideologically, politically and organizationally unprepared mainly due to the great internal party crisis that ran through it from 1958 until its split in 1968”, stressing that “with the decisions of the 12th Plenary Session, February of 1968, the organizational continuity of the KKE was ensured and the effort to reconstitute party organizations began. The KNE was founded and the illegal party press was re-circulated. These decisions gave life and impetus to the anti-dictatorship action.”

He emphasized that “after the collapse of the dictatorship, the KKE immediately took measures for its de facto legalization, without waiting for anyone to “legitimize” it, as is often said.

Before the official legalization of the Party, the members of the Politburo and the Secretary of the Party, Charilaos Florakis, returned to Greece.

The KKE opened offices in Athens and published a newspaper, starting a new period in its heroic history, after 27 years of illegality and persecution.”

He said that the KKE “in the 1970s and 1980s, faced PASOK under the influence of its wrong strategy and acceptance of an intermediate power – between capitalist and labor – essentially as an “anti-monopoly”, “progressive” government. , “leftist” etc. forces in the territory of capitalism.

He adopted the artificial separation of bourgeois parties on the one hand “progress – democracy”, on the other “conservation – right”.

Criticism towards PASOK was mainly limited to the distance between the words and the works, or its negative attitude to accept cooperation with the KKE.

In this way, however, the very role of social democracy remained unassailable, and this while PASOK had already emerged as a power of anti-popular management”.

“The above perspective was complemented by the Party’s position on the creation of the “Coalition of the Left and Progress”, in the name of “unity of the left”.

The perception that existed in our Party, that it was not a matter of principle not to participate in a bourgeois government, if it was going to contribute to dealing with an emergency situation, also led to the wrong choices of the three-month co-government of the Coalition – and not only the KKE as some say – with the ND in 1989, in the name of the non-statutory statute of limitations for the scandals then and after the ecumenical government with the ND and PASOK” he added.

“Some people leave the KKE because it does not have the same attitude as today, because the KKE draws conclusions from its heroic history and now knows how to avoid traps.

“The counter-revolutionary upheavals of the period 1989-1991 constituted a world-historical significance, but in our opinion, a historically temporary setback.

“The government term of SYRIZA (2015 – 2019) led to new losses of people’s rights and a contraction of income in order for capital to overcome its crisis, a logical and expected development, for which the KKE had warned and prepared the Greek people relatively early” .

“From 2019 until today, the governments of the ND with Prime Minister Mr. Mitsotakis are managing the economic recovery phase. However, as much as the ND propagates that the country has returned to normality, this normality is accompanied by a continuous degradation of the living standards of the working-people forces. The main thing: It is accompanied by the overall widening of the gap between the possibilities that production offers today to cover the modern needs of the people and the youth and to the extent that these are actually covered” said D. Koutsoubas.

Referring to the rise of far-right, nationalist, crypto-fascist parties, he said, among other things, that “capitalist power mobilizes all means, even the extreme “far-right”, sometimes as a complementary alternative to governance, sometimes as a “boon”, to renew the consensus labor-popular forces in the rest of the bourgeois political system and its personnel. Sometimes, of course, he uses both forms.”

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#Koutsoubas #proud #KKE #party #gave #sacrifices #antidictatorship #struggle



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