Kostis Savvidakis: “I thought there was no God, when…”

Kostis Savvidakis: “I thought there was no God, when…”

Kostis Savvidakis spoke about his relationship with God, but also the losses of his mother and his 11-year-old niece.

The actor spoke to the newspaper OnTime and initially, he referred to his relationship with religion.

“I can’t say I kicked God out of my life, but there were moments, especially when I lost my 11-year-old niece and my mother, when I said ‘you don’t exist,'” he said.

Then he added: “Of course there is, but on our chatila, our distress and our pain, we will say some things. It was my immediate reaction, but I’ve never felt like he’s not here and has given up on me. I believe he is always here and I am highly protected.”

Finally, he was asked if, in his opinion, he has been “beaten” in the artistic field, because of his great faith.

“I don’t know what’s going on behind my back and it’s none of my business. I care that I am fine with myself, I know that whatever God wants he will bring to me, whether others want it or not. Whatever “gifts” he has given me, he has given them to me. Yes, I’ve worked hard in my life, but I think if he didn’t want to give me these gifts, he wouldn’t have. And I hope that more gifts will come from him”, he said in closing.

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