Kostis Hatzidakis: Kasselakis “suffered… Tsipras” and ordered everything to everyone – 2024-03-15 02:20:34

Kostis Hatzidakis: Kasselakis “suffered… Tsipras” and ordered everything to everyone
 – 2024-03-15 02:20:34

With his post on Facebook, the Minister of Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, commented on the announcements of the president of SYRIZA – PS, Stefanos Kasselakisfor the economic program of the official opposition party.

Kasselakis for Mitsotakis: He is obsessed with me – He announced 3.2 billion measures once morest punctuality

According to the Minister of Finance, Stefanos Kasselakis “suffered… Tsipras and ordered everything to everyone”.

“The President of SYRIZA proves that he remains faithful to the traditions of this party. Irresponsible promises and irresponsible provision” he adds.

Mr. Hatzidakis characterizes the president of SYRIZA as a “new political Houdini” who “threw money from tax cuts without any costing”.

The post of Kostis Hatzidakis:

Kasselakis “suffered… Tsipras” and ordered everything to everyone.

The President of SYRIZA proves that he remains faithful to the traditions of this party. Irresponsible promises and irresponsible provision!

“He suffered… Tsipras” and continues on the same path. Unrepentant following the double defeat of the 2019 and 2023 elections, they continue the same political fairy tales. And they do it by leveling the conquests of the Greek citizens in the field of the Economy but also the important reforms that the Government has implemented and which rank Greece very high in terms of growth, reduction of unemployment and attraction of investments throughout Europe.

As a new “political Houdini” he threw money from tax cuts without any costing! And of course without awareness of the consequences for the budget and the Economy. While he also forgot that over 50 taxes have been reduced or abolished by the current Government. Arranged investments while they are rising continuously and steadily from 2019 onwards. And foreign direct investment has hit a 20-year high. He also promised an increase in income, while a stable policy of the Government is to strengthen the income of citizens, especially the weakest, by increasing the average wage above inflation (19%) and the minimum wage by 20%, while a new increase is imminent until the end of Of March. He also pretends to be unaware that for the first time following 14 years significant increases were given to civil servants (€1,476 benefit for the average civil servant from the government’s initiatives in 2023 and 2024) while the three-year terms were “unfrozen” much earlier in the private sector .

We leave the President of SYRIZA and his supporters to their political spin. We continue on the same path that combines responsible economic policy with social justice.

#Kostis #Hatzidakis #Kasselakis #suffered.. #Tsipras #ordered

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