Kos: Georgiadis responds to SYRIZA about the hospital – “The announcement is passionate and slanderous”

Kos: Georgiadis responds to SYRIZA about the hospital – “The announcement is passionate and slanderous”

Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis refers to the actions taken by the ministry to deal with the problem of the lack of pathologists at the Kos hospital in a new post in “X”, on the occasion of yesterday’s announcement by SYRIZA-PS which he describes as “passionate and slanderous”.

The Minister of Health cites in his text on Twitter, a series of data – which he points out – prove the fact that similar staff shortages existed during the period of government of the country by SYRIZA and responds to the incident referred to by the official opposition in his announcement .

In his post, A. Georgiadis states:

“On 15/8 rural doctors and a qualified doctor, the director of the medical service, very experienced in the specialty of gynecology, were on duty at the TEPs. The patient underwent a cardiogram, his history was taken and the hospital cardiologist, who is on maternity leave, and the EKAV cardiologist were contacted. It was decided to transfer him immediately to a heart attack unit, which does not exist in Kos anyway, due to the patient’s very burdened cardiology history (angioplasties, etc.). The hospital cannot be closed because not all specialties are available in one emergency room. It should also be emphasized that in Kos, for the moment, a General Hospital-Health Center is operating because it does not have all the necessary units to be purely GN.

The patient was managed flawlessly, following all the relevant protocol, so his life was saved thanks to the cooperation of the doctors in Kos, with the doctors in Heraklion and also the EKAV, which was impeccable.

As for the patient with OEM, he arrived at the hospital two days later with no pulse, it is a different incident on 8/17, so the on-call specialist doctor was the pathologist of the Ikaria hospital, who is traveling to Kos, Mr. Perof.

Finally, starting next week, the pathologist Mr. Visvardis I. from the E.K.A., the pathologist Ms. Bisia from the E.K.A. and the pathologist Ms. Bina from Hippocrates will gradually move.

In addition, the private pathologists of the island who voluntarily declared that they will be on call will join the program in the following days.

In September, the simultaneous announcement of all 4 pathologist positions will be made, a long-standing request of the island is thus satisfied, the cardiologist Mr. Cetin will serve at the Hospital with a block of services for another 6 months and during this time we will launch the new permanent recruitment of the NHS.

As long as Syriza does cheap opposition tricks, we solve the problems.

Q: 1. Although they commented on my post, they did not make any comment when I proved to them that 4 years with the Syrian Government the problems were exactly the same, they probably would have missed it..

2. Where I vacation with my Family they will allow me to keep it for my Family unless vacations are also banned….I don’t think @skasselakis is of that opinion judging by his recent vacation in Mykonos and the nice of the swimming pool (sorry water tank with sunbeds I meant…) in Spetses…”.

The announcement of SYRIZA

#Kos #Georgiadis #responds #SYRIZA #hospital #announcement #passionate #slanderous



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